Covid-19: Workers at U.S. Meat Plants Now Have Vaccine Access in Most States

This is what you need to know:.

Luis Arellano receives the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine this month at JBS USA’s cattle plant in Greeley, Colo. linked to credit Pool photo by Alex McIntyre.

Food industry workers, who experienced some of the largest known outbreaks of the coronavirus at the beginning of the pandemic, can now get vaccinated in at least 26 states, according to a New York Times investigation.

The distribution of the vaccine to workers in the food sector takes place in the context of a rapidly growing group of eligible workers, particularly key workers who are at increased risk of contracting the virus. Almost all states vaccinate a subset of frontline workers, but the list of occupations covered varies considerably. In at least six states, food service workers are allowed to work in some districts and not others.

Meat and poultry processing plants and facilities remained largely open, although major outbreaks in the first months of the pandemic infected thousands of workers and killed dozens. The virus began to spread rapidly in meat processing plants, where workers stood side by side at the assembly line.

The JBS USA pig farm in Worthington, Minnesota, where more than 700 cases of coronavirus have been reported, conducted a mass vaccination on Friday. JBS USA, a subsidiary of Brazil’s JBS S.A., the world’s largest meat processing company, has offered $100 for employees who are administered the vaccine.

Union members were highly skeptical for several reasons, said Matt Utecht, who represents Worthington workers as president of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 663. He said union representatives have visited the facility several times in recent months to provide information about the vaccine and that about 1,500 of the approximately 1,850 union members have signed up.

It was a daily work of learning, talking, communicating, he said.

Vaccine production and distribution in the U.S. continues to grow. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Saturday that about 79.4 million people have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, of which about 43 million have been fully vaccinated. On average, about 2.25 million cans are handed out each day, up from less than a million two months ago.

As demand for vaccines continues to outstrip supply, countries face conflicting interests in deciding which populations to target. In much of the Midwest, where meat and food processing is an important part of the economy and is often a source of employment for recent immigrants, many food industry workers were eligible to vote in early March.

In Kansas, where food service workers can now be vaccinated, nearly 4,000 reported cases have been linked to outbreaks in meat processing plants, more than in any other setting except long-term care facilities and correctional facilities.

It’s a livelihood that supports a number of immigrants, said Marcy Nielsen, senior adviser to the Kansas governor for Covid-19. And it was very important for the governor to send the message that she wants to keep these families safe and keep these procedures open.

– Bonnie G. Wong and Matt Craig.

United States ‘ United States 21. March 14-day change
New cases 34,217 -7%
New deaths 444 -38%
World ‘ Peace March 21 14-day change
New cases 414,816 +22%
New deaths 5,738 Apartment

VS Immunisations ‘

An AstraZeneca vaccine at a hospital in Milan last week. linked to credit Alessandro Grassani for The New York Times.

A vaccine against the coronavirus developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford provided strong protection against covid-19 in a large-scale US clinical trial, completely avoiding the worst effects of the disease and causing no serious side effects, according to results published Monday.

The results, released in an AstraZeneca press release, may help bolster global confidence in the vaccine, which was shaken this month when more than a dozen countries, mainly in Europe, temporarily suspended use of the vaccine over concerns about possible rare side effects.

With more than 32,000 participants, the study was the largest of its kind for a gunshot wound. Overall, the vaccine was 79% effective in preventing symptomatic infections, which is higher than in previous clinical trials. The study also found that the vaccine provided strong protection for older adults, who were not as well represented in previous studies.

However, in the United States, where the vaccine is not yet licensed and may not be needed, the new data is not expected to make much difference.

If AstraZeneca is granted an emergency license in the United States based on the new results, it is unlikely that the vaccine will be available before May, when federal authorities expect the three manufacturers that already have approval to produce enough doses for all adults in the country.

AstraZeneca said Monday that it would further analyze the new data and prepare to submit an emergency application for approval to the Food and Drug Administration in the coming weeks. The vaccine is already approved in more than 70 countries, but approval by U.S. regulators, if successful, will enhance the vaccine’s reputation worldwide.

The interim results, released Monday, are based on 141 Covid 19 cases resolved by volunteers. Two-thirds of the participants received the vaccine at four-week intervals, while the others received a placebo in saline. Volunteers were recruited in Chile and Peru, as well as in the United States.

None of those vaccinated had severe symptoms and did not require hospitalization, which is an important argument in favor of vaccination. However, AstraZeneca did not report how many subjects developed severe covid-19 or required hospitalization after taking placebo, making it difficult to clarify the statistical significance of these results.

A prayer service at the Islamic Center in Sandy, Utah, last year. At least one mosque in the U.S. is conducting a vaccination to allow parishioners to get two vaccines before the start of Ramadan. Credit…Francisco Kjolseth/The Salt Lake Tribune, via Associated Press

With Ramadan less than a month away, some Muslim organizations in the United States have begun to grapple with the critical question of whether Ramadan’s fasting from sunrise to sunset prohibits Muslims from receiving vaccine injections during the day.

Basharat Salim, executive director of the Islamic Society of North America, said many Islamic scholars were consulted on the issue.

The answer is no, he said. He’s not exceeding the speed limit.

Last year, the group, along with dozens of others, organized the National Muslim Task Force on Covid-19, which took recommendations from Muslim jurists. According to Salim, they generally agree that it is acceptable to receive the Kovid 19 vaccine during Ramadan or at any other time. The vaccine will not negate the position because it has no nutritional value and is injected into the muscle, the task force said, noting that it has handled flu and other vaccines in the past.

The question of whether vaccinations are allowed during Ramadan is a concern not only for Muslims, but perhaps even for the boss. There are also global questions about the presence of banned ingredients in vaccines, such as. B. Pork products. Some also expressed concern about Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine, similar to that of some Catholic leaders, as the cells used in its development and production are remotely related to abortion.

Muslim health professionals, even those who have openly called for vaccination, have acknowledged the ethical difficulties.

These decisions are a matter of personal conscience, said Dr. Hasan Shanawani, president of American Muslim Medical Specialists and a lung specialist in Michigan. But the preservation of life is one of the highest principles of Islam, he said, and given the current shortage of vaccines in many places, the ethics are simple, he added.

The reduction in the vaccine means we are all at risk, said Dr. Shanavani, who has treated hundreds of Covid 19 patients over the past year. Take the vaccine that is available to you. God is the most forgiving. Once the current emergency is over, he added, it will be possible to be more selective in choosing the vaccine.

Haaris Ahmad, president of a large and diverse mosque in suburban Detroit, said he has heard all these concerns. He assured the mosque members that scientists generally agreed that vaccination would not disrupt the rhythm of Ramadan, and told people to take Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine if that was the only option available.

But he also acknowledged that people would rather not think about it, especially during the holiest month of the Muslim calendar. Therefore, his mosque will host a vaccination clinic next Monday night where people can get two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine just before the start of Ramadan in mid-April. And while the event was initially announced in general vaccination language, Ahmad says the most recent flyer is clearer about what is not offered at the clinic: REMEMBER, it’s not J and J written.





Police crack down on crowds on Miami Beach spring break

police used pepper spray to disperse the crowd after a curfew went into effect at 8 p.m. Saturday. Local authorities in Miami said people were flocking to the city because there were relatively few restrictions on the coronavirus.

(screams; sirens)

Police used pepper spray to disperse the crowd after a curfew went into effect at 8 p.m. Saturday. Local authorities in Miami said people were flocking to the city because of the relatively low number of restrictions related to the coronavirus. Credit… Cristobal Herrera-Ulashkevich/EPA, via Shutterstock.

A day after Spring Break, the oasis in South Beach turned to chaos as police tried to control an overwhelming crowd and made dozens of arrests. Miami Beach officials decided Sunday to extend an emergency curfew by three weeks.

Authorities have even gone so far as to announce that the famous Ocean Drive will be closed for four nights a week until the 12th. April to approve, including a pedestrian closure from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Residents, hotel guests and employees of local businesses are exempt.

The mall, frequented by celebrities and tourists, was the scene of a heated confrontation Saturday night, with police using pepper spray to disperse a large crowd of sometimes unruly and mostly unprotected revelers, just hours after a curfew was imposed.

The restrictions were a stunning concession to the city’s inability to control unmanageable crowds. The city and state of Florida are aggressively soliciting visitors.

I think there’s a big demand because of the pandemic and people want out, David Richardson, a Miami Beach city commissioner, said Sunday. And our state has been publicly announced as open, which adds to the problem.

In an emergency meeting, the commission approved maintaining the curfew in the South Beach entertainment district for an additional three weeks, from Thursday through Sunday, when spring break normally ends. Bridges on several causeways connecting Miami Beach to the mainland will also be closed during the curfew.

Law enforcement officials said many people came to town this year for spring break because there are relatively few virus restrictions, as in the state as a whole. And to make up for the long months, hotel rooms and flights were greatly reduced.

Miami-Dade County, which includes Miami Beach, recently experienced one of the worst outbreaks in the country, and more than 32,000 Floridians died from the virus – an unimaginable cost that state leaders rarely acknowledge. The state is also said to have the highest concentration of B.1.1.7, a more infectious and potentially deadly variant of the virus first identified in the UK.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is taking personal responsibility for the country’s vaccination campaign, which saw about half of its nine million people fully vaccinated…Menachem Kahana/Agence France-Presse – Getty Images

JERUZALEM – Vaccinated Israelis exercise in gyms and eat in restaurants. They party in nightclubs and cheer by the thousands at football matches.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is taking credit, as he puts it, for bringing Israel back to life and is betting that the giddy mood the country is in after the release will propel him to the top in Tuesday’s close elections.

But nothing in Israeli politics is that simple.

While most Israelis appreciate the government’s inoculation campaign, which is the first of its kind in the world, many fear that the major social and economic upturn is premature and suspect that the timing is politically motivated.

Instead of a transparent reopening process led by public health experts, decisions are being made at the last minute, overnight, by the cabinet, said Hagai Levine, an epidemiologist at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Brown School of Public Health in Jerusalem. The timing, just before the election, is meant to declare the mission accomplished.

Tuesday’s parliamentary elections are the fourth in two years. Mr Netanyahu will be tried for corruption, and analysts believe his best chance of avoiding conviction is to lead a new right-wing government. It has put everything on managing the coronavirus crisis.

He is personally taking responsibility for a vaccination campaign in a country that has fully vaccinated about half of its population of nine million – putting it ahead of the rest of the world – and has declared victory over the virus.

Israel is the world champion of vaccination, the first country in the world to achieve health and economic excellence, he told a campaign conference last week.

The vaccination campaign was able to get underway thanks to Pfizer’s early delivery of several million doses, and Mr. Netanyahu presented himself as the only candidate able to close the deal, bragging about his personal conversations with Albert Burle, CEO of Pfizer, who, as the son of Holocaust survivors, has a great affinity for Israel.

Netanyahu even posted a clip from South Park, an American cartoon sitcom, praising Israel’s excellence in vaccinations.

But experts say his claim that the virus was behind us was too optimistic.

A pharmacist prepares the vaccine Covid 19 at Cherokee Nation Outpatient Medical Center in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, this month. linked to credit Shane Brown for The New York Times.

The rapid development of Covid-19 vaccines, which has occurred at a record pace and has been funded by massive public resources in the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom, represents a major triumph for the pandemic response. Governments have partnered with pharmaceutical companies to allocate billions of dollars to purchase raw materials, fund clinical trials and modernize plants. Billions of other people have agreed to buy the finished product.

But this Western success has led to major inequalities. People in wealthy and middle-income countries have received about 90 percent of the nearly 400 million vaccines delivered so far. Current projections indicate that many of the others will have to wait for years to come.

A growing number of health officials and advocacy groups around the world are calling on Western governments to use aggressive means – most of which have rarely, if ever, been used before – to force companies to publish vaccine formulations, share expertise and speed up production.

The prospect of billions of people waiting years to be vaccinated poses a health threat even in the most prosperous countries. Example: In the United Kingdom, where the vaccine has been well received, health officials are monitoring a variant of the virus that has emerged in South Africa, where vaccination coverage is low. This option can weaken the effect of vaccines, meaning that even vaccinated people can get sick.

But on the 30th. In March, a U.S. patent will be granted for a five-year-old invention, made in a laboratory at the National Institutes of Health, that swaps a pair of amino acids in the coronavirus spike protein. This feat of molecular engineering forms the basis for at least five major Covid 19 vaccines, and the U.S. government will control this patent.

The new patent offers an opportunity – and some say the last best chance – to put pressure on the pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccines and force them to expand access to less affluent countries.

Pierluigi Marchionne, a veteran of the Roman police, regulated light traffic in Venice’s usually busy square last week. linked to credit Nadia Shira Cohen for The New York Times.

ROME – If, as they say, all roads lead to Rome, they cross at Piazza Venezia, the central square of the Italian capital, watched over by a traffic cop on a pedestal who choreographs a smooth traffic flow out of the traffic chaos.

For many Romans and tourists, these traffic controllers are as much a symbol of the Eternal City as the Colosseum or the Pantheon.

That may explain last week’s media coverage of the return of the pedestal (and its traffic cop) after a one-year hiatus during the piazza’s renovation – even though there wasn’t much traffic to divert, due to the general closure that began last week in hopes of controlling a spike in coronavirus cases.

I think in these difficult times it was taken as a sign of a return to normality, said Fabio Grillo, 53, who with his 16 years of service is the oldest member of a team of four or five municipal police officers directing traffic from the podium in Piazza Venezia.

For as long as one can remember, in the rain, the snow or the sweltering summers of Rome, policemen have been directing traffic from the podium in Piazza Venezia, near the junction with Via del Corso, one of Rome’s main streets. And the gestures they make with their snow-white hands are something that all Italian drivers remember with wonder during their racing tests. (Important note: Two hands with the palm facing the motorist is equivalent to a red light).

It’s like conducting an orchestra, Grillo said.

In addition to regular traffic, Piazza Venezia is a crossroads leading to City Hall, the Parliament, the Italian Presidential Palace and the National Monument, which is regularly visited by heads of state, adding to the confusion of the city centre.


A crowded market in Mumbai, India, Friday. The neighboring state of Maharashtra is at the center of a new outbreak of the coronavirus. with credit Francis Mascarenhas/Reuters.

The coronavirus, which seemed to have been contained in India, is spreading again in the country. On Monday, the government reported nearly 47,000 new cases, the highest number in more than four months. 212 new deaths from the virus were also reported, the highest number since early January.

The epidemic is concentrated in the state of Maharashtra, where Mumbai, the financial center of the country, is located. Whole areas of the state have been severely closed again. Scientists are investigating whether the new strain is more virulent than variants found in the UK, South Africa and Brazil.

Authorities are under pressure to aggressively promote testing and vaccination, especially in Mumbai, to avoid disruptions like last year’s dramatic national lockout that led to the recession.

But less than 3% of India’s 1.3 billion population has received the vaccine, including about half of its health workers.

The campaign was also marked by public skepticism. The government approved an indigenous vaccine called Kovaxin before safety and efficacy studies were completed, although preliminary results have shown it works.

Another vaccine available in India is the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, which was suspended in some countries after a number of patients reported blood clots and strokes, although most have since changed course and scientists have found no link between the vaccinations and the patients’ conditions.

At other events around the world:

  • The main presidential candidate of the Congolese opposition has died while being taken to France for treatment against Covida-19, Reuters reported on Monday based on a spokesman. The candidate, Guy Bryce Parfait Colelas, 61, was hospitalized in the capital Brazzaville after falling ill in the final days of the campaign. In a video circulating on social media over the weekend, he warned his supporters that he was fighting death, but urged them to stand up and vote for change. The elections took place on Sunday and outgoing President Denis Sassou N’Guesso is expected to extend his 36-year term.
  • The Philippines reported a record number of new infections with the coronavirus over the weekend, prompting the government to place the capital Manila and four surrounding provinces under the second-highest level of blockade for the next two weeks. Authorities reported 7,999 cases Saturday, the highest number in the country in a single day. President Rodrigo Duterte has imposed restrictions including a ban on all mass gatherings and a curfew from 10pm to 5am. Unnecessary movement into or out of the area is prohibited. For the second year in a row, the restrictions prevent private religious services during Holy Week, a popular tourist season.
  • South African health officials say the country has sold its unused doses of AstraZeneca’s vaccine to 14 other African Union countries, Reuters reported on Sunday. It suspended use of the vaccine last month after a small study found that the vaccine offered minimal protection against mild to moderate illness caused by the dominant local variant of the virus. At this stage, South Africa had received one million doses from AstraZeneca’s Serum Institute of India, with another 500,000 on standby.

A vaccination clinic in Mississauga, Ontario, this month. The United States will send millions of doses of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine, which has not yet been approved for use, to Canada and Mexico.Credit…Nathan Denette/The Canadian Press, via Associated Press

For many Canadians, this seemed to be a lack of proximity. The initial coronavirus vaccination program in Canada proceeded at a steady pace during the winter, while vaccination in the United States was ahead of schedule. But Washington did not want to share its stockpile of tens of millions of doses of the vaccine, which has not yet been approved for use by Americans.

That all changed last week. After weeks of speculation about the success of vaccine diplomacy, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Thursday that the US plans to share 1.5 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine with Canada and 2.5 million doses of vaccine with Mexico.

The White House announcement seems to have taken Ottawa officials by surprise. Several hours passed before the minister in charge of vaccine procurement, Anita Anand, made a statement that looked more like an insurance policy than a thank you.

After numerous discussions with the Biden administration, Canada is reportedly in the process of finalizing the exchange agreement.

Ms Anand and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau added nothing on Friday afternoon, saying only that discussions were ongoing and that details would be announced later.

Ms. Psaki’s comments indicate that the U.S. officially only supplied vaccines to Canada and Mexico. It is not clear whether they will eventually have to be replaced in kind or whether the loans can be cancelled. She also said the United States may soon share surpluses of other vaccines.

Pharmacy technicians fill syringes with the vaccine in Portland, Maine, this month. Credit…Robert F. Bukaty/Associated Press

Melanie Allen, a high school English teacher, was at an impasse. She works in one state and lives in another. And both refused him the Covid-19 vaccine.

Allen, who lives in Chatham, N.Y., but works in Maine, said officials in both states would not give her the vaccine. Although teachers can now be vaccinated in all states, she could not get the vaccine in Maine because she lives in New Hampshire, she said.

And New Hampshire informed her that she was ineligible because she did not teach in the state and, at 45, did not meet the age requirement.

And she waited.

On Friday, Allen finally received her first vaccine after a medical center in Maine decided to vaccinate teachers no matter where they live.

Although the states have not officially changed their position, she said it’s nice to see the local community working to make sure things go well.

About half of the states require their residents to be vaccinated, but most allow foreign workers to be vaccinated if they meet other conditions, said Jennifer Cates, vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a national nonprofit health organization.

In Connecticut, for example, workers who live in other states may get the vaccine if they can show that they work in an approved area.

States like Florida and New Hampshire have restricted the distribution of the Covid 19 vaccine to residents in hopes of countering complaints about vaccine tourism, where someone can cross the state line to get the vaccine and not return home.

Although most states allow non-resident workers to be vaccinated, Cates says people who live in one state and work in another may have scheduling problems.

When you have a patchwork like that, Cates said, it’s like a puzzle, and people who really want to get vaccinated are trying to figure out how to get the last piece of the puzzle.

Kent Taylor, founder and CEO of restaurant chain Texas Roadhouse, died Thursday. in connection with Ron Bath/Texas Roadhouse credit.

Kent Taylor, founder and CEO of restaurant chain Texas Roadhouse, committed suicide Thursday after suffering symptoms, the company and his family said in a statement. He was 65 years old.

After struggling with symptoms associated with post-covidity, including severe tinnitus, Kent Taylor took his own life this week, according to a statement.

His body was found in a field on his property near Louisville, Kentucky, Kentucky State Police told the Louisville Courier-Journal. State police and the Oldham County coroner did not immediately respond to requests for comment Sunday.

Sir, I want to thank you for your support. Taylor, who also served as chairman of the company’s board of directors, founded Texas Roadhouse in 1993. He tried to start an affordable Texas-style restaurant, but was turned down more than 80 times as he struggled to find investors, according to a biography provided by the company.

He eventually raised $300,000 from three doctors in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, and drew the plan for the first Texas Roadhouse on a napkin for the investors.

The first Texas Roadhouse opened in 1993 in Clarksville, New York. Three of the chain’s first five restaurants failed, but it has since opened 611 locations in 49 states and 28 international locations in 10 countries.

He was preceded in death by Mr. Taylor at Texas Roadhouse, the company said. He decided on the menus, chose the murals and the songs for the jukeboxes.

Greg Moore, the company’s chief executive officer, said in a statement that Taylor waived his compensation during the coronavirus pandemic to support the company’s frontline employees.

If you have suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (TALK). For a list of additional resources, visit

Restaurants turned their outdoor dining rooms into places where people could gather to talk privately. Credit…Sasha Arutyunova for The New York Times

In the year since the pandemic began, people have learned to be together while separated, and have overcome the pain of being separated while together. Screens – large and small – have become important links to the rest of the world.

The activities and routines that led many people – going to museums, concerts, sports, studying, traveling, partying – have disappeared or have found a new life online. The holidays, usually celebrated in the family circle, have become an important event.

Memories of a pre-pandemic world, where people could stand shoulder to shoulder, shirtless, began to feel like dreams – as did moments of unexpected connection.

Couples in quarantine have learned a lot about their loved ones. In some cases, these revelations were not happy: Lawyers and mediators have noted an increase in the number of clients filing for divorce following the reopening of the courts.

In other cases, being trapped together has made the couples stronger. Engagement and pregnancy announcements are constantly popping up on social media. And there were a lot of weddings.

For many singles, dating seemed impossible in the first few months of the pandemic. Sales of sex toys are on the rise. Eventually the emotional and physical needs became more severe, and people from all over the country found a way to meet and socialize in their comfort zone.

In search of safety, stability and support, adult children have moved with their parents and caregivers, sometimes with no set departure date. In doing so, they rediscovered themselves and experienced the joy of being together and the suffocation of constant intimacy.

While some Americans stayed home and turned their kitchen tables and couches into makeshift offices, others continued to work in public places. Delivery drivers face health risks, theft and aggression. Airline employees who were not fired had to deal with passengers who refused to wear masks.

But in recent months, the situation has slowly improved as the number of cases has dropped and people have started to get vaccinated. Last week, President Biden promised that sufficient doses of the vaccine would be available to every adult American by May, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that vaccinated people will be allowed to meet indoors again – a sign that people will soon be coming together again.

Brittany Marsh, who has a pharmacy in Little Rock, Ark, is administering the Covid-19 vaccine this month. She said Dr. B’s department facilitated the distribution of the remaining doses. linked to Rory Doyle credit for the New York Times.

In an effort to get the elusive vaccine prescribed, the remaining dose became part of the history of the pandemic.

Extra vaccines, to be administered within hours of leaving the refrigerator, have been given to pharmacy customers who buy midnight snacks, to people who are friends with nurses, and to those who visit some grocery and drug stores after hours. In some large vaccination centers, the race to get every dose in before the end of the day leads to a flood of phone calls.

If the remaining dose does not find a free hand, it should absolutely go in the trash.

So a New York start-up wants to hunt for leftover change. Dr. B, as the company is called, picks up vaccine providers who offer additional vaccines on short notice to people who are ready.

Since the service launched last month, more than 500,000 people have provided various pieces of personal information to sign up for the service, which is free to sign up for and also free to providers. Two vaccine sites have begun testing the program, and about 200 other providers have signed up to participate, the company said.

Dr. B is just an attempt to coordinate a chaotic patchwork of public and private websites that allow eligible people to take the time to get vaccinated. And while it does not address the broader structural problems associated with vaccine delivery, if it spreads as some hope, it could serve as a model for better and more equitable vaccine programming.

Ultimately, patients need this vaccine, and some doctors need help providing it, Cyrus Massoumi, technology entrepreneur and founder of Dr. B, said in an interview.

Mr. Masumi stated that he is funding the project out of his own pocket and has no intention of receiving any revenue. The company is named after his grandfather, nicknamed Dr. Bubba, who was a doctor during the 1918 flu pandemic.

However, the service faces some of the same obstacles that have hampered previous immunization efforts. Registration is easy, but requires an internet connection and free access to a mobile phone. Since the remaining doses will be taken at the last minute, participants must have a flexible schedule and access to transportation.

It’s still largely based on the Internet, so it will depend on who knows about it, said Arthur Kaplan, a medical ethicist at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine. He seems to want to solve the problem and do something good, but it saddens me that governments – provinces, cities, national organizations – were not prepared for this situation and did not react more quickly to offer advice and guidance.

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