The revenge shot, the president’s final attack on the infrastructure of American democracy, comes when he refuses to admit defeat and begin the process of handing over power to President-elect Joe Biden – a particularly dangerous stalemate in the context of a growing pandemic.

Mr Trump wrote that he had fired Chris Krebs, a senior Homeland Security official, for denying his own unfounded allegations of misconduct. The president, his election campaign and his political allies went to a lot of trouble, which began long before the elections, to falsely claim that he was swindled in a second term. His efforts seem to be motivated by the desire to declare his apparent defeat as a former vice president, but they are also part of a plan to discredit Biden’s presidency and maintain the national divisions he has consciously built up as an instrument of power.

In other apparent attempts to challenge the fairness of the election – unprecedented in modern history – Senator Lindsay Graham’s trump card was embroiled in controversy after bringing together election officials from Nevada, Arizona and Georgia – three key states won by Biden – to question them about the electoral procedures that Biden generally favoured. And two Republicans broke with tradition in Michigan, another state where a Democratic candidate won, and temporarily blocked confirmation of election results in Wayne County, where Biden defeated the president. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, told CNN’s Chris Cuomo at the time that officials had admitted and agreed to testify at the ballot.

The final steps by Trump and his allies took place when the courts uncovered the President’s long-standing legal problems and unfounded cases of electoral fraud.

President Ave Maria’s recent attempt to challenge the results of an election in one of the many states that Biden has won, this time in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, has failed.

Keystone’s Supreme Court ruled that there is nothing in state law that requires election observers to stand within three meters of the number of votes, as the Trump campaign claimed. This decision challenges the President’s claim that his supporters were unfairly discriminated against and therefore the results in Pennsylvania, where Biden won with tens of thousands of votes, should be declared invalid.

In another case in Pennsylvania, Trump’s lawyer, Rudolf Giuliani, made a chaotic legal attempt to prove that the Democrats had manipulated the absent ballot. Other judges have already rejected such requests.

Another discovery of Trump, advocated by the conservative media but non-existent, to change the election result also seems to have been made.

The evaluation of the elections in Georgia must be completed by Wednesday before the official end of voting on Friday. According to officials, the results largely followed the original talismans, who handed over the victory to Biden, further blurring Trump’s claims of widespread deception.

Capricorn says trip for Thanksgiving of

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As more and more countries begin to confirm their election results in the coming days, the already trivial justification for Trump and the White House to maintain the fiction of winning a second term will continue to decline.

So far, there is no evidence that Republican legislators in some key states are willing to meet the expectations of some conservative Muslim scholars who believe they will ignore the will of the electorate and vote against the delegations in the election commission.

Trump’s failure in his fight to reverse the results struck him when he almost withdrew from public opinion.

The CNN White House team reported Tuesday that the commander-in-chief, who couldn’t bear to give up the light, was trapped in a bunker mentality.

Not in the mood to celebrate, Trump decided to cancel his usual Thanksgiving trip to his holiday resort Mar-a-Lago, reported CNN administration, and he hadn’t had any social events for several days.

But even an invisible and crippled president retains the power to change the world his successor faces. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller announced Tuesday that thousands of troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan and Iraq, as CNN reported the day before Barbara Starr’s announcement. The decision attracted mixed reactions to Capitol Hill, but especially criticism from Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell.

Another high-ranking Republican senator, John Kornin of Texas, commented strongly on the decision, saying it was taken without proper consultation with the United States, NATO or Congressional allies and that it would raise troops to a potentially unstable and dangerous level.

This decision met one of the President’s political objectives, but it will raise fears of a resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan. It also contradicted the advice of American commanders who were concerned about the strength of a democratic government in Kabul.

The announcement of the move was just one of the aggressive measures expected of the president – perhaps measures against Iranian and Chinese policies – and attempts to tie Biden’s hands when he becomes president. Trump uses his power to take such important steps, while he refuses to explain them to the American people because he stays out of sight and has the impression that he is seeking revenge for a defeat that he does not accept will further undermine his position.

Emerging concerns about delayed vaccination

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The potential cost to us of the president’s stubbornness and inability to sign millions of dollars in transitional funds, access to state institutions and briefings for the Biden team is becoming increasingly apparent.

The extremely encouraging news about the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine, which should be available to all Americans next year, cannot hide the growing concern of medical experts that the next policy will not be included in the program.

Immunization measures will be one of the most complex logistical and health interventions in history. Delays in the production and distribution of vaccines can lead to thousands of unnecessary deaths.

The growing despair about the deteriorating situation with Covid-19 led several large medical teams in the United States on Tuesday to call for cooperation between the outgoing and new governments.

All information on national strategic stockpile capacity, warp speed facilities and drug and vaccine distribution plans must be communicated as soon as possible to ensure continuity of strategic planning so that we don’t miss out on our ability to care for patients, says a joint letter to Trump from the American Hospitals Association, the American Medical Association and the American Nursing Association.

To illustrate the complexity of the task in question, an overview of the vaccination efforts of the Trump administration by the Government Accountability Office identified several issues that could delay the approval and distribution process of the vaccine.

And the government’s leading infectious disease specialist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been marginalized by the president, said the transition to the presidency is vital.

If you don’t have a smooth transition, don’t optimize your efforts, Fauci told CNN in an interview with Jim Schutto.

The neglect of Trump has had devastating consequences as Covid-19 hospitalizations have reached record levels and the virus is traveling across Midwest and Mountainwest states, where Governors and Republican voters have trivialized Trump’s pandemic and its disregard for masks and social distance.

Biden grows

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Biden, who described Trump’s inability to resign and initiate a formal transfer of power as embarrassing, is putting pressure on his efforts to prepare his government. On Tuesday, the former vice president met with U.S. national security experts and former military personnel in Wilmington, Delaware. The group included retired General Stanley McChrystal, who resigned during the Obama administration after Rolling Stone magazine published statements that were critical to the former vice president.

Biden said it was preferable to have access to the usual information used by the president-elect. But it enhances the image of the commander-in-chief ready to go to work.

The republicans of the Capitol still hesitate to confront the president with his refusal to allow a smooth transition. But there are more and more signs that a natural shift in power is taking place – if not already officially.

This week, Biden was elected president by Florida Senator Marco Rubio. McConnell had made a career out of not distancing himself from the political environment, but he also cautiously acknowledged the inevitability of what was to come.

We will have an orderly transition from this policy to the next, McConnell said. The fact that we’re all talking about it is, frankly, irrelevant.

Even the explanation of these small rhetorical changes illustrates the strange behavior of the president and the willingness of his own party to resist. But it is also a sign that reality is becoming clearer and clearer.

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