Marvel Studios has released new retro posters for WandaVision. One of them seems to be fueling speculation about the mystery of the show. The first two episodes of the new series premiered on Disney+ late last week and fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are trying to figure out exactly what’s going on, which shouldn’t come as a surprise. So far, fans have been treated to the 1950s MCU version of the sitcom, and then another one in the 1960s, with no apparent connection to the MCU aside from the two main characters and some interesting subplots. You will find Spoilers for WandaVision below, so read them at your own risk.

The new inbox is connected to Marvel Studios’ #WandaVision. Two episodes are currently airing on @DisneyPlus

– Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) January 18, 2021

With the first two episodes of WandaVision entering the world of classic sitcoms, Marvel Studios decided to add a few ads to the mix with these new posters that work. The first poster, which looks like an old print ad, shows Wanda Maximoff smiling in front of a black and white television. The poster reads as follows: The signal is so soft… You’ll think you’re in a dream. The emphasis is definitely on the traumatic aspect, and fans are always trying to figure out if Wanda is trapped in a dream world, either the one she created or the one she is held captive in.

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The WandaVision posters give nothing, but invite further investigation. The second poster shows the Vision program and a black and white TV spot. However, there is no real clue as in the first poster. During the show, MCU fans began turning to the commercials for more answers. The first one we’re talking to is courtesy of Stark Industries. Advertising for the toaster, the new and improved ToastMate 2000. Although the first episode is in black and white, the red toaster light appears as a beep that continues in the background. The buzzer sounds like a bomb, and the ad ends with Forget the past, it’s your future. Some MCU fans think the commercial refers to Wanda and her twin brother Pietro, aka Quiksilver, who lost their parents in an explosion when they were kids. Later they looked at an unexploded bomb with the word Stark on it.

The second advertisement is the Strucker watch, which directly refers to the Hydra head of Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. The watch even carries the Hydra logo. He’s the one who initiated the experiments on Wanda and Pietro, which makes many people wonder how it all fits into the whole of WandaVision. Is this really the dream world Wanda created? It’s not clear yet, but we should get some more answers this week with episode 3. You can see the two new WandaVision posters above, thanks to Marvel Studios’ official Twitter account.

The signal is so smooth… You’ll feel like you’re emphasizing the word Dream
. Even the TV commercial said Dream this Friday on Disney+ instead of Stream this Friday. So this is the bad guy’s nightmare that makes Wanda dream about all this?

– mstk (@mstk24192859) January 18, 2021

Please hide the big spoiler when someone posts it.

– Juan Pedro #SaveSpectacularSpiderMan (@DrakeWayne2248) January 18, 2021

I’m leaning towards the theory that it’s a dream or something, because Wanda was able to replay the footage at the end of episode 2. But I really think it could be a simulation or even hypnosis or something.

– rach✨ (@stranger_rach) January 16, 2021

So I have a theory. I could be wrong. But I think Wanda may have gotten into this dream, and the SWAT team is trying to get her out. I think we’ll find out. I can’t wait for the next episode!

– Stephanie Kay Mitchell (@SteffyKay) January 15, 2021

I have a crazy fan theory about #wandavision. What if she has a dream that turns into a nightmare because the bad guy from #DoctorStrangeMultiverseOfMadness?

– Misaapizza (@misaapizza) July 21, 2019

THEORY: Monica is the head of SWORD.

Carol helped set it up with Fury (SHIELD) so Monica could stay in touch with Carol during her space adventures and help protect the world – her childhood dream. #WandaVision

– Archie (@archhufflepuff) December 17, 2019

#The theory of WandaVision, with my permission: The commercials are Wanda’s dreams because they contain elements of her past. When we dream, we are working on the events that have happened in our lives. So Wanda sleeps and can be vulnerable during commercials?

– Chris, 2 days before the inauguration (@wischofsky) January 15, 2021

SWORD kidnapped Wanda to experiment on her and take away her powers, but put her in a coma where she can live her dream life with Vision. She’ll be saved and wake up, then she’ll go crazy and cause a rift in the universe that leads directly to the theories of Dr. Weird 2 #WandaVision#.

– M.J. Nutt (@MattMatty006) January 16, 2021

Well, I have a theory that someone is out there, maybe a nightmare? Get inside Wanda’s head. Hence WandaVision, or perhaps Wanda’s Vision. I see a truly terrifying nightmare followed by a truly pure and happy dream ripped into that dream by another force

– Marvel Sanctuary (@MarvelSafeHouse) August 26, 2019

Theory #2
It’s Wanda’s dream between the Thanos gang and the Iron Man gang.

– Ken Porter (@KensAudioBoston) January 16, 2021

Topics: WandaVision, Disney Plus, Streaming

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