When you’re standing in the supermarket aisle trying to choose between regular and decaffeinated tea, it can be tricky to know how to make a wise decision. The fact is that most people who haven’t tried it don’t really know what they’re getting, so here we aim to change that. 

We’ll do that by looking at some of the pros and cons that come with including the drink in your routine. People choose to switch for a number of reasons, from health to taste to issues with caffeine, so let’s dig down and see what’s what. 

Decaffeinated Tea Pros & Cons 

While there are many different brands and types of decaf tea, the vast majority you’ll find being sold will be either green or black tea varieties. It just seems to be what customers the world over prefer.

You’ll also find that big brands like Earl Grey will offer a decaf option, either in loose-leaf form or in convenient tea bags. 

The benefits of decaf tea include:

  • Being able to enjoy your favorite tea blend without having to deal with the caffeine boost
  • It can be enjoyed before bed for relaxation, without disrupting your sleep
  • While taste can be quite different, it’s still delicious enough to satisfy even the most ardent of tea enthusiasts

The drawback of decaf tea include:

There’s no such thing as a product that’s perfect in every single way, so in the interests of balance, we now look at some of the drawbacks of decaf tea:

  • Removing the caffeine does change the taste in a way that you might not expect, so it does take a little getting used to for some
  • Some brands use a solvent-based decaffeination process, meaning that trace elements can sometimes be found in the end product.
  • Polyphenols are sometimes removed during the process, resulting in the tea not having quite the same number of health benefits as regular tea. 

The thing is, caffeine as an ingredient is bitter, so removing it from the tea is naturally going to alter its taste. What’s more, even the most sophisticated and cutting edge extraction methods – like Cold CO2 extraction – can’t help but change the flavors on offer. 

In terms of the method of decaffeination, not all decaffeinated tea brands will display what type is used. Even those that claim to be “naturally decaffeinated” often use solvents to extract the substance. To be absolutely sure that you’re getting a CO2 extracted brand, look for “certified organic” on the label. 

The Trick is Choosing Your Decaffeinated Tea Wisely!

So, as is pretty evident, choosing decaf tea isn’t as simple as merely looking for ‘decaf tea’ on the label. What’s more, there are subtle differences that you’ll experience when you try it yourself first-hand, so it’s essentially up to you whether the brand you’re using suits your palette. 

However, the good news is that there are many top companies – like Chado Tea – out there putting their expertise into creating newer and more tasty blends. 

It’s just a matter of finding the right product for your needs that’s made the right way and meets all your taste requirements. Find the blend for you and you’re free to enjoy the benefits listed above. 

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