Destiny 2’s community is familiar with the so-called secret Trostland Tunnel in the European Dead Zone, as only exotic hawks have access to it. However, it seems that another secret has been discovered, this time through a glitch, as it allows players to discover the invisible birds of Hawkmoon.

Falconry birds of prey in the lot 2

The YouTube channel Scant Radical98 has stumbled upon this visual problem, as these invisible airlines relax just outside The Sludge. If the aforementioned tunnel can be opened with Hawkmoon, it can easily be done by equipping the exotic arc with Trinity Ghoul.

Many of these secrets may be scattered throughout Destiny 2, and it’s only a matter of time before the Guardians unlock them.

A secret tunnel in the EDZ

The secret tunnel of Trostland was first discovered by another YouTuber of Destiny 2, called a kalusrobot. He said he noticed that the dividing wall around the tunnel disappeared after the restart a few days ago. He also noticed that there were impressions on the stones in the chimney when they were fired. The player tried to shoot it with a loaded Hawk and was surprised to see it break. Inside you’ll find some interesting things, including a laptop that will probably be part of the next mission.

As it should be, a ship was recently unveiled that looks like a newcomer and has the same feathery design as Exotica’s hand cannon.

The rear of the car also looks like that of the hawk.

3.0.2 Preparation for adverse reaction

On the other hand, Bungie has tweeted that there will be background maintenance today at 10:00 AM Pacific Standard Time and no downtime is planned. They also pointed out that it is in preparation for Update 3.0.2, which will be released on November 19. January.

Destiny 2 will undergo extensive maintenance tomorrow (January 14) at 10:00 AM Pacific Time (1800 UTC). No downtime is planned.
This is in preparation for the release of the 3.0.2 update on the 19th. January.
Read more:

– Bungie Help (@BungieHelp) January 13, 2021

Another Destiny 2 content creator, Lucky 10P, noted that the game’s new season won’t be released until the 9th of next month, so he wonders why the update is taking place on the 19th.

He thinks this game configuration could be for Hawkmoon, adding that we may finally see random weapon throws after the aforementioned patch. Of course, it was just an assumption on Lucky’s part.

Reddit user bon123lk has posted on the Raid Secrets sub-dit, speculating on the possibility that Bungie will introduce a new exotic or long-awaited casual role in Falcon month.

It was after watching some of the triumphs and realizing two more secret triumphs for the season title. The latter two can be found on the Exotic Quests tab, suggesting that the developer will reveal a few more surprises before the arrival of Destiny Hunt’s second season on the 9th. The month of February is coming to an end.

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