Army General Lloyd Austin in 2015.


Pictures of Somodeville/Getty Chip

Joe Biden

has chosen a retired general.

Lloyd Austin

to be his Minister of Defence, and anyone who fills out a report can believe that the most important recommendation is its origin. But senators who are more interested in being than in identity politics can think a lot.

General Austin, 67, served the country well during his four decades in the army. As commander of the U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq in 2010-2011, he observed America’s withdrawal from the country. The general wanted to keep tens of thousands of American soldiers, which is to his credit. Less defensive, he’s incapable of anticipating a full exit…

Barack Obama

and well-prepared, which led to a hasty exit. Biden, who worked with General Austin during the Obama administration, may be very interested in the lieutenant.

In 2013, General Austin was appointed commander of the American Central Command (Centcom) and served for three years while the Islamic state was raging in Iraq and Syria. Its role in the failure of the Syrian rebel training programme deserves attention, as does the obvious surprise of Mosul’s military fall and the rapid growth of ISIS in 2014. His spokesman denied it, but General Austin would have told the White House that ISIS was a flash in the pan.

The responsibility for the setbacks in the Middle East in those years lies mainly with Obama and his team, including Biden. But General Austin’s role needs to be further examined during the confirmation hearings. As a general he was known in command circles for his position on the island. We fear that General Austin (and the Pentagon) will be suspended from the political debate between the Biden delegates, who will head the National Security Council and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Another problem is that General Austin has experience of waging land wars in the Middle East, while the growing threat is a naval war with China.

Mike Gallagher, GOP reporter.

has the right to call General Austin a patriot, but it’s not a choice if you see China as a real threat. Chief of Defence Staff Chairman

General Mark Millie.

Recently a lot of bloodshed has been predicted in the Pentagon to finance a better prepared fleet, but this requires the political will of the head of defence.

Michelle Flornois, many of whom expected to be elected by Biden, wrote about the containment of the Pacific Ocean and set China thinking, as she put it in an article that was part of the American plan to sink the Chinese fleet within 72 hours.

As a recently retired soldier, General Austin would need Congress to relinquish civilian leadership of the Pentagon. In 2016 we supported an exception for pensioners.

General James Mattis,

but not unconditionally. The election of Mattis calmed the Allies when the world got nervous because the president…


will take care of foreign affairs. General Mattis had a biased worldview, a philosophy of war and a dominant presence that made him a trusted generation of ministers.

Confirmation of a retired general without these mitigating circumstances would make these exceptions an acceptable practice rather than a rare exception. In general, the Pentagon is better run by citizens, especially those who have not been in the bureaucratic service for too long.

Under pressure from the left, Biden was forced to pursue a transaction policy, where he met with the ministers of the cabinet on the basis of race and gender. But, uh…

Mrs. Flornois

would be the first woman to head the Pentagon and former Secretary of Homeland Security.

Jeh Johnson

black. Both would be historical encounters and the best choice for a dangerous world.

Main Street: Jimmy Ly from Hong Kong will go to jail and Papa Francis won’t say anything. Pictures: Reuters/Zuma Press Association : Mark Kelly

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