
CNN has a large audience after the elections. It is an open question whether the Network Manager, who has overseen these achievements, will remain on the sidelines.

From election day to the 8th. In December CNN has on average more viewers than Fox News – 35 days, the first time in 19 years that it has won such a long period in this category. CNN also won a contest among viewers aged 25 to 54 – demographic advertisers targeting news channels. Fox News held the number one position in the total prime time ratings.

As CNN strives to maintain momentum, the WarnerMedia nut network, the unit of measurement

AT&T Ltd

T 1.04%

is talking to the president of CNN.

Jeff Zucker

if he had to extend his contract. During these talks, which are expected to be intensified in the coming weeks, an extension of his contract will be discussed. Zucker told the internal staff that he wasn’t sure he wanted to stay and that he would assess his options after the election.

The contract is being negotiated at a time when CNN has become the target of a private takeover. Mr Sugar recently expressed an interest in privatising the network, according to information provided by people familiar with the subject. One of the scenarios, according to some, is a management buy-out in which Mr Zucker will lead the network under a new power. Mr. Zucker stressed that potential bidders should contact AT&T.

WarnerMedia Managing Director

Jason Kilar

recently told the town hall that CNN is not for sale. People close to Mr. Kilar say he’s hoping Mr. Zucker will stay in company.

The number of cable viewers decreased in all directions from the highlights reached during election week. CNN has made most progress in the run-up to and immediately after the elections in the key categories, maintaining sufficient ratings to catch up with Fox News’ long-term leaders in the key categories.

From election to eight. In December, CNN had an average of about 1.7 million viewers during the day, compared to about 1.56 million viewers on Fox News. CNN was also the number one channel among prime-time viewers aged 25 to 54, averaging around 818,000, but Fox News was the number one channel among all prime-time viewers.

Like its cable competitors, Fox News is well on its way to achieving the highest score ever. Throughout the year, Fox News led the ranking of cable news channels in several key audience categories, including the total daily audience, the total daily audience for key demographic news, prime time and demographic prime time.

Fox News, which has been the king of the cable television audience for almost two decades, has recently been facing increasing competition from professionals.


Newsmax and One America News Network, the public loyal to President Trump, have won by playing on his unfounded accusations of massive electoral fraud.

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According to Nielsen, Newsmax saw its ranking in the population growth of the most important election news. From election day to the 8th. In December, the channel averaged around 372,000 viewers, more than 500% more than in prime time a week before the elections. Newsmax, however, is much smaller than Fox News, which had an average of around 3.1 million prime-time viewers during that period.

Fox News and a relative of The Wall Street Journal.

News agency

to own ordinary properties.

After the elections, MSNBC came third in a number of important rankings. According to the spokesman, since the election on the 7th… November: a number of weekday rays of hope that attract more spectators than their competitors. According to MSNBC, the Rachel Mud Show attracted more spectators in its time than the competing shows in December. NBCUniversal News Group Chairman of the Board of Directors

Cesar Condé

new CEO

Rashida Jones

to be the next president of the cable news channel.

CNN’s rating increase may be temporary. Sometimes the station is ahead of its competitors in the short term when occasional viewers tune in to CNN during periods of intense news broadcasts. In August 2019, CNN misappropriated Fox News in prime time over an important demographic issue, but Fox News won most viewers that month and eventually won the quarter.

Write to Benjamin Mullin at [email protected].

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