Pros and cons of democracy

Pros and cons of democracy :  Democracy, according to Lincoln, is government of the people, by the people and for the people. It is kratos (rule) from demos (people) as a term of etymological connotation.

It is a way of life and a form of government. It is as old as the development of Greek society. The Greeks came to this conclusion after experimenting with many forms of government, such as aristocracy, autocracy, monarchy, oligarchy, and tyranny. For them, it was the Direct, where all residents of the state were equally represented and had a direct voice in day-to-day administrative matters. It spread to Britain and other parts of Europe and eventually dominated India by the end of the 19th century. The century.  This has become indirect because modern democracies are characterized by the rule of elected representatives of the people. Today it has the strongest base in India and in most parts of the world.

Democracy has two major advantages. First, it is the form of government most likely to protect the rights of the people. Second, it is the form of government least likely to make major mistakes. In general, in a democracy, it is impossible to change the political course radically and quickly, which is why democracies do not make such horrible mistakes as China’s Great Leap Forward.

The main disadvantage of democracy is that it is slow to respond to important issues.  Our current situation is an example to follow. It is clear that something needs to be done to reform our benefits system, but the political will to do so is lacking. If we had a more autocratic leader, he or she could simply order the government to do something about the problem. But since we live in a democracy and the voters do not know what they want, nothing can be done.


  • protects the interests of the people.
  • on the basis of the principle of equality.
  • Stability and accountability in management.
  • the political awakening of the people.
  • a small chance of revolution.
  • a stable government.
  • contributes to people becoming good citizens.
  • based on public opinion.


  • the emphasis is on quantity rather than quality.
  • the rule of incompetence.
  • based on an unnatural equality.
  • Voters are not interested in elections.
  • lowers the morale of the troops.
  • Democracy is a government of the rich.
  • Misuse of public funds and time.
  • not a stable government.
  • the limited influence of political parties.

In countries like India’s parliament, which reflects the voice of the people, equal to the voice of God, this parliamentary democracy, with the president at the head of many storms, has defied the odds and repelled a number of foreign wars. There was ample opportunity for unfettered public expression, freedom of speech and legitimate rights to equality without discrimination on the basis of caste, colour or economic status. There are also social vices such as Cistercianism, communism, fundamentalism, accelerated by parochial and linguistic hierarchy. Somehow democracies around the world were involved.

Read more: Advantages and disadvantages of democracy

Fiscal, rent-seeking attitudes like bigoted chauvinism, separatist extremism and terrorism are rampant here and there, in pockets filled with foreign elements with their cellular operations.

Conclusion Advantages and disadvantages of democracy

In a democracy like ours, with a representative form of government where we elect people to make decisions on our behalf on various issues, this is both an advantage and a disadvantage. With these various decisions, it is not at all clear whether we choose them because we want them to use their intellect, logic, experience and ethical values, or whether we want them to represent our opinions. In our democracy, this is not regulated by law, and it really is a double-edged sword. Should our representatives be the same or newer? Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Few of us, as individuals, can be fully aware of all matters that come before the legislature, the executive judge of the paddle. But democracy is of the people, by the people and for the people.

India has also shown agility and courage on the democratic political front. Since 1952, there have been 12 general elections in which every adult citizen has been able to exercise their right to vote freely, honestly, openly and without fear, a right that is the envy of the world. In these circumstances, India did not need to take the anti-democratic path; it was determined to take the democratic path. This shows the stability and maturity of Indian democracy. There is no temptation or possibility of a military junta in the Indian subcontinent. For this is a land where the mind is fearless and the head is held high, as Tagore played in Gitanjali. Let us pray for Indian democracy,

To the heaven of freedom, Father, may my country awake.

Advantages and disadvantages of democracy [pros and cons]

Merits and needs of democracy

When we talk about democracy, the first thing that comes to mind is the people.

In a democracy, supreme power belongs to the people, who elect a representative of the country. This is done through elections held in each country on the basis of universal adult suffrage, which means that people aged eighteen or over have the right to elect the government representatives they want.

Democracy is a political system in which the choice of the people is an important factor. But there are advantages and disadvantages of democracy.

Benefits of democracy [ Benefits of democracy ]

It gives the citizens of a state or country the freedom to elect the members of the legislature they wish to govern.

Through this process, worthy candidates are given the chance to prove themselves politically, unlike the self-appointed kings and rulers of antiquity who ruled over the people of their empire and had little knowledge of how to govern them.

The term of office is limited to a specified period. So if the people feel that the current representatives are not keeping their word and not doing their job properly according to their oath, they can change the government in the next election in the best interest of the country. This can prevent monopoly power.

The existence of a democracy shows that the citizens are equal before the law and are independent of their decisions.The establishment of a government by the people imposes a great responsibility on its members and therefore they are always under pressure to work and develop the country.Elections bring changes to the country. It also reduces the number of public rebels, since the votes are cast by the people in a secret ballot system. In most governments, democracy works by consensus, which reduces the risk of popular revolt.

The existence of democracy and politics conveys political knowledge to the people of the country. In this way, people today are also getting a political education.

Shortcomings of the democracy [ Shortcomings of the democracy ]

In many countries, not all people are literate, but they are over 18 and have the right to vote (note: literacy or illiteracy has nothing to do with voting rights). As a result, uneducated voters often vote under the influence of other educated people.

In some countries, the right to vote is exercised improperly. Many people are hesitant to vote and have no idea what impact their vote will or will not have. In some countries, people are coerced and dominated by unfair means so that a certain political party can win the elections. Money and power are also used to blacken opposition political parties.

The election process takes time and counting the votes for each political party also takes time. This is a major problem for countries with a two-state system, such as. B. India. In addition, the existence of different regional players creates more competition and challenges.

Sometimes people vote for the wrong candidates because they manage to exert influence just before the election and promise the people development and growth, which is only put into practice later.A wrong decision can lead to corruption and unfair practices, such as misuse of public finances and funds, and the people can do nothing until the end of the government term.

Conclusion on the pros and cons of democracy

Democracy is the choice of the people and their right. So it is up to the people to decide how to use their democratic power. The election of a leader is not the only duty a citizen has to his country. Citizens must participate equally in society for the good of the individual and the nation.

frequently asked questions

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