Some kids think that if they don’t do what they’re told, they’ll end up in the principal’s office. Others may think the same thing, but they’re wrong. While it’s true that being disrespectful to a teacher or not following directions could lead to punishment, it’s unlikely it would result in a suspension. Suspensions aren’t given when someone breaks a rule, but rather when a student’s behavior is so disruptive that the teacher can’t teach. A teacher may suspend a student if he or she does anything that would cause severe disruption in the classroom, like talking out of turn, refusing to follow instructions or disrupting other students.

Here you will find the sentences for kids for the most commonly used English verbs. It Is made for children that are learning English.

This week, we are looking at the sentences for children, types of sentences and worksheets. We are also looking at the types of sentences and worksheets for children.

If you are looking for suggestions for kids, here you will learn all about suggestions and their types, you can easily understand this topic. All topics are explained here in an excellent way and clarify all your concepts, doubts or confusions with definitions, clearly marked examples with pictures and you also get exercises and worksheets. Like I said, this post is for kids in grades 4, 5, 6 and 7.
If you are a teacher, you can enjoy many benefits here. Examples, exercises, quizzes and worksheets can be used as teaching aids.

I hope you enjoy it!

Read the following examples carefully:

  1. The Hunter Valley is the oldest coal mining area in NSW.
  2. Under the bed.

The group of words in example 1 makes perfect sense. Therefore, it is a matter of suggestion.

The word group in example 2 doesn’t quite make sense. So it’s a sentence.

Conviction: A group of words with a complete meaning is called a sentence. The sentence always starts with a capital letter and often ends with a full stop (.).

Example – Egypt is a large country in northeastern Africa.

Pronunciation definition: A group of words that has a meaning but is not complete is called a sentence.

Example. Surrounded by water.

Types of sentences for children

4 types of offers for children

  1. Assertive/explanatory phrases
  2. Asking
  3. Imperative sentence
  4. Exclamation point

Enforceable/excusable penalties for children

A sentence in which something is asserted or declared is called an assertive or declarative sentence.

5 Examples of declarative sentences

  1. My school has a huge pool.
  2. My dad gave me a set of Noddy comics.
  3. Riya and Priya like to watch Discovery Channel.
  4. There are several football and cricket sporting events in Sims.
  5. Priyanka has gone to Mumbai.

Asking sentence for children

A sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative sentence. It always ends with a question mark (?).

5 examples of interrogative sentences

  1. What is the distance between the airport and the train station?
  2. What are the ingredients of this dish?
  3. Why are you playing with them?
  4. Is this your book?
  5. Where are you from?

Imperative sentences for children

A sentence that contains an order, a request, a suggestion or an advice is called a mandatory sentence.

5 examples of the imperative :

  1. Can I borrow your notebook for a day?
  2. Throw the garbage in the garbage can.
  3. Open the door immediately.
  4. Can you do that for me?
  5. Always help others.

Exclamation point for children

A sentence that expresses feelings such as joy, sadness, surprise, applause or contempt is called an exclamatory sentence.

5 examples of exclamatory sentences :

  1. It’s so cold today!
  2. О ! We’re losing him.
  3. What a beautiful day!
  4. I have concert tickets!
  5. Great, here we go!

Suggested exercise/worksheet for children

Here we have an exercise or workbook for children with answers.

  1. (Exercise 1) : You must determine to which type the following documents belong.
  2. (Exercise 2) : Choose the right option.


What kind of sentences are these?

  1. A dove has made its nest in the bushes.
  2. What is the capital of the state Maharashtra?
  3. John and Abhishek love to watch action films.
  4. Where’s the Eiffel Tower?
  5. Would you get me a cup of tea?
  6. What a beautiful picture!
  7. Don’t spit in it.
  8. No talking, go away!
  9. May I come in?
  10. In a leap year, there are 366 days.


  1. Assertive/explanatory sentence
  2. Asking
  3. Assertive/explanatory sentence
  4. Asking
  5. Imperative sentence
  6. Exclamation point
  7. Imperative sentence
  8. Exclamation point
  9. Imperative sentence
  10. Assertive/explanatory sentence

Exercise 2

Choose the right option (multiple choice)

  1. Ruhi is a beautiful girl.
    • Assertive/clear.
    • A compelling sentence.
    • An exclamatory sentence.
    • The question sentence.
  2. How great is God!
    • Assertive/clear.
    • A compelling sentence.
    • An exclamatory sentence.
    • The question sentence.
  3. Have you ever been to Udaipur?
    • Assertive/clear.
    • A compelling sentence.
    • An exclamatory sentence.
    • The question sentence.
  4. What an idea!
    • Assertive/clear.
    • A compelling sentence.
    • An exclamatory sentence.
    • The question sentence.
  5. Please dispose of your waste in the waste bin.
    • Assertive/clear.
    • A compelling sentence.
    • An exclamatory sentence.
    • The question sentence.
  6. God bless you!
    • Assertive/clear.
    • A compelling sentence.
    • An exclamatory sentence.
    • The question sentence.
  7. Where’s Hina?
    • Assertive/clear.
    • A compelling sentence.
    • An exclamatory sentence.
    • The question sentence.
  8. Pay for your services immediately.
    • Assertive/clear.
    • A compelling sentence.
    • An exclamatory sentence.
    • The question sentence.
  9. Sheena is known for her dancing.
    • Assertive/clear.
    • A compelling sentence.
    • An exclamatory sentence.
    • The question sentence.
  10. Egypt is famous for its magnificent pyramids.
    • Assertive/clear.
    • A compelling sentence.
    • An exclamatory sentence.
    • The question sentence.


  1. Assertive proposal
  2. Exclamation point
  3. Asking
  4. Exclamation point
  5. Imperative sentence
  6. Exclamation point
  7. Asking
  8. Imperative sentence
  9. Assertive proposal
  10. Assertive proposal

Offers for children PDF

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Offers for children

Suggestions for children (901 downloads)

Also read :This is the purpose of this post. This will be a list of the Sentences for Kids for Types, Examples and Worksheet. We will also provide PDF for Worksheet. Types, Examples and Worksheet Sentences for Kids. Read more about types of sentences worksheets 4th grade pdf and let us know what you think.

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