Nowadays, obtaining a Certified Business Trainer (CBT) certificate is necessary if you want to enhance your professional skills and ability to teach. But is it compulsory? Do you really need to get a CBT certification to be a business trainer? How much does it cost to get a CBT certificate?

Cyber-based Tests (CBT) are becoming popular in Indian Education System. A lot of students are looking for the details about the CBT exam in India. This article provides the details of the exam and information on the exam.

The National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) is an annual medical entrance exam conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) of India for admissions to MBBS courses and postgraduate medical courses (MCH/Pharm.D.) at 30 medical colleges in India. The exam is held in April every year, i.e., in a year preceding the academic year to which the candidates would like to be admitted. This year, the NEET exam would be conducted from 2nd to 4th April, 2018.. Read more about government job exams without age limit and let us know what you think.As the current coronavirus pandemic took over the world within weeks and killed numerous people, the whole world shifted to work from home. A computer and a working internet connection is good enough to get you going. Students can study online and learn new things without any problem. However, when it comes to the exam, the home-based examination might seem inadequate.

In such a situation, CBT comes in handy. It stands for Computer Based Test and it is practised for more than 20 years around the globe. From education to university admission, CBT is taking over due to the benefits, it possesses. If you have completed your class 10+2 studies and looking for admission to a top institute, you would have to go for an entrance exam test. Most faculties have started CBT exams because it is the future and it is better in many ways.

How CBT is Better?

CBT or Computer-based Test is one of the tried and tested method for entrance exams. It provides a huge number of benefits to the exam head and students. Here are a few key benefits –

  • Exam organisation don’t have to spend a high amount to provide exam paper, printing them and such other expenses. No doubt that the money for the entrance exam is withdrawn from students so CBT makes things easier.
  • Students take their admit card to the examination centre and they get the entry. They have to sit in front of a computer and answer the questions by solving them on a sheet. They have several questions and they can answer the question by choosing any option from the given.
  • CBT is also a speedy way of conducting examination and announcing results. It takes less than a few minutes to check the result and the chances of human error also reduce with the CBT exam.

Due to these key reasons, most exam conducting entities are choosing computer-based test over the other forms of conducting entrance exam.

Exams Supporting CBT Mode

In India, there are several entrance exams conducted every year and it might seem like a jaw-dropping moment that only a few of those exams are CBT. If you are wondering which entrance exam courses support CBT, then this is a quick list to check out –

CBT is only a mode of examination and it is similar to other options, however, this mode of exam gained hype with the MAT entrance tests. So, after learning it, the primary question that pops into everyone mind is, what are all the types of exams? Well, don’t worry, we have the list.

Types of Exams

It doesn’t matter that you are opening for an entrance exam test or mid-term exams, there are several modes of examination tests that can help to evaluate students knowledge. The common types you can find are –

  • PBT – PBT stands for Pend Based tests and candidates have to perform the test using pen and paper. It is the traditional and widely preferred method for examination preferred around the globe. You can also find that PBT is also termed as an offline exam, however, such terms aren’t adequate, but it can help you understand the type. As there are no technologies involved while giving this examination, you can use an eraser and correct things out. You also have to worry about less hassle or computer program’s bugs.
  • CBT – A Computer-based test or CBT is the new form of test and it is widely popular for entrance exam tests. A computer is allocated at the examination centre to students and they get similar time to perform the test. As the time starts, the exam paper unlocks and students would have to solve and choose the answer. Students get a few blank sheets of paper and a pencil to solve the question and answer it on the computer.
  • IBT – IBT is slightly a different term to CBT as it stands for Internet-Based Test. Students can perform these test themselves using a computer and a working internet connection. There is no need of going to any exam centre and you can get the things done from the address of your home. Due to the covid-19 situation, most exam owners changed the way of examination to IBT for a certain time.

These are all the three different types of exam tests and you can find that PBT is slowly getting out of date among exams. You can commonly find CBT in MAT exam and learn more in-depth by reading our quick guide on MAT CBT.

MAT CBT Exam – Let’s Take Some Quick Notes

Management Aptitude Test is an entrance exam and it is conducted for class 10+2 students. All the candidates passing this exam can further choose the desired management course and take admission in the top colleges. This exam is available in all the modes of the test, however, MAT CBT is widely taken into consideration by the conducting body.

The dates for MAT CBT aren’t announced yet and it is claimed that the dates will be announced in July. MAT CBT is a national level entrance exam test and it is also conducted by the All India Management Association or AIMA. If you are registering for the MAT exam, you can choose any mode of examination.

The score will be announced differently for PBT, CBT and IBT exams as the difficulty level of all modes of the test is different. Candidates get the option to opt for the MAT exam in the six different modes –

  • Double-Remote proctored IBT
  • Remote Proctored IBT
  • Paper-Based Test or PBT
  • CBT

Considering the rest of the factors for MAT CBT, you are getting the same amount of duration for the exam. It doesn’t matter that you have opted for PBT, CBT or IBT, you will have two hours and thirty minutes to attempt and answer the exam paper.

Should You consider PBT or CBT for the entrance tests exam?

PBT and CBT are two popular options for entrance exam tests and both are adequate for the examination body to conduct exam with no cheating. However, for students, PBT and CBT might make lots of difference while answering the questions. If you are unfamiliar with Computer-based tests then it might be a tough choice to try the new form directly at the examination centre.

So, the easy solution to this problem is to opt for online CBT mock tests which will help you understand that how these exams work. You can follow the given guidelines and learn the right style. Make sure that you don’t try to cheat because trying to the minimum the exam app gives you the tag of trying to cheat and you may not give the exam.

The Final Verdict

When it comes to the admission procedure, most exam organisations are preferring CBT and you can find that JEE (Advanced) exam will also be conducted through CBT. The option to choose between the right familiar type is an excellent option given by examination bodies throughout the country. We hope that this quick guide post about CBT Exam in India will help you learn all the key things and eradicates all the basic doubts you have.The Clinical Biostatistics and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CBT) examination is a national level exam held in India. The examination is conducted by the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH), New Delhi, under the aegis of Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. The CCRH conducts the exam at various centers across the country. The exam is conducted in two parts: Objective part and Essay part. The Objective part has 100 questions consisting of two sections (Quantitative and Statistical) each and total 200 marks. The Essay part has 200 questions consisting of one section (Biomedical Sciences) and two sections (Ethics and Law) each. The examination is conducted. Read more about competitive exam age limit and let us know what you think.

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