The Cyberpunk 2077 controversy has taken a turn, with CD Projekt Red’s CEO saying that they should be forgiven for the alleged plagiarism. He also said that he believes gamers will forgive them in time and remain loyal to their game.

The “cyberpunk 2077 1.3 secrets” is a news article that discusses the game’s release, and how CD Projekt should never be forgiven for their actions.

Cyberpunk 2077 screenshot

Nobody appears to learn in Cyberpunk 2077. (pic: CD Projekt Red)

GTA: The Trilogy Definitive Edition and Battlefield 2042 seem to have learned nothing from Cyberpunk 2077, according to one reader.

I wasn’t shocked to see CD Projekt attempt to minimize the tragedy that is Cyberpunk 2077 yet again. It was on the verge of bringing their firm to its knees. Which I get in terms of the regular devs working on it, but the people in control understood exactly what they were doing when they published it and anticipated that the excitement would keep it going long enough for them to correct it. They were sure that as long as the promises were appealing enough, people would put up with anything.

The finest thing to come out of this was confirmation that people have boundaries, that they won’t buy something simply because of the buzz or brand familiarity, and that no game is certain to be a success if it doesn’t respect the consumer.

For a while, it seemed that this would benefit the industry as a whole, as publishers grew concerned that their games would make them pariahs if they released in a horrible shape, so they made sure they didn’t. That lasted a few months, but when the going got tough and deadlines had to be made, they all folded in and reverted to their old ways.

All of this culminated in the dreadful month we’ve just had, with GTA: The Trilogy – Definitive Edition and Battlefield 2042 both debuting in poor condition, with Call Of Duty: Vanguard and Skyrim Anniversary Edition not far after. All of this shown that the only thing that publishers care about is getting their games out in time for Christmas.

They don’t care about the game, they don’t care about the long-term effect on their reputation, and they surely don’t care about us, the consumers, just as they didn’t care about Cyberpunk 2077, which came out about this time last year.

With Battlefield 2042, EA went from one of the most anticipated games of the year, one that was supposed to defeat Call Of Duty, to a painfully dull, buggy mess that, although it could be excellent in two years, was not fit for purpose when it arrived.

GTA was much worse since it was only revealed a month before it was launched, thus they must’ve known and could’ve just not mentioned it and waited till following year when it was ready. They were already late for the GTA 3 anniversary, and no one requested for all three games at once, so it was an apparent method to save money with no actual consequences.

They may not have been able to sell GTA 3 for full price, but let’s face it, they definitely could have. With three remasters, even raising the price to £40 would have garnered them more money. But no, it’s always about the short-term profit.

The way these publishers behave, you’d think they’re living on the streets. Was Rockstar on the verge of going bankrupt or something, and they needed to gather as much money as possible as soon as possible? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no They’re one of the world’s wealthiest video gaming firms, but greed got the best of them.

It’s difficult to say how much they’re being penalised for their missteps now that it’s impossible to determine how much games are really selling, but Battlefield 2042 doesn’t seem to have done as well as predicted. But what about their reputation? Are these businesses unconcerned about it? Surely Rockstar must, and even though EA is well aware that everyone despises them, they’ve already effectively ruined the Battlefield series with three duds in a row.

However, I have no pity for you. Nobody learned anything from Cyberpunk 2077 because it was the ideal example of what not to do. Why wait till tomorrow to earn money when you can generate money today? That’s the reasoning, but no one seems to consider what happens the next day, when everyone believes your games are always defective and unworthy of purchase.

Terry Gold, a reader


The reader’s feature does not necessarily reflect GameCentral or Metro’s opinions.

You may submit your own 500-600-word reader feature at any time, and it will be published in the next available weekend slot if it is used. As usual, send us an email at [email protected], and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE: CD Projekt says Cyberpunk 2077 is a “really nice game” but refuses a prospective purchase.

MORE: Rockstar’sincerely apologizes’ for GTA: The Trilogy, but no refunds are being offered.

MORE: Battlefield 2042 has the lowest Steam rating of any game ever.

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Watch This Video-

The “is cyberpunk worth playing on ps4” is a question that has been asked by many. The answer is no, Cyberpunk 2077 should never be forgiven.

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