For many businesses struggling to find their footing after the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the biggest problems is getting new employees. With small businesses having budgetary constraints, they have to try out effective but low-cost advertising options for attracting local talent to fill open positions. According to Human Resource Executive, organizations adopting a creative recruitment process are perceived as progressive. One of the most effective methods for recruiting local candidates is hiring signs.

Advantages of Hiring Signs

The biggest advantage of hiring signs is that they are low-cost but highly effective for advertising positions in the community. The local population sees the signs that also generate valuable word of mouth that can help spread the news and get you a better response rate. Typically, all you spend on a hiring sign is buying the sign frame and the print you can change from time to time depending on need. The business gets a good name in the community, and people are more than willing to help out by giving the space to display the signs in the yard or other places with a good volume of traffic.

Essential Design Tips for Signs That Deliver

Make the sign stand out: With all the clutter and the noise around them, it can be all too easy to miss seeing a now hiring sign unless it calls out for attention with a standout design. You can think of various things like the size and shape and an attractive color scheme, captivating graphics, or typography to make your sign scream for attention. Try to design a sign that reflects your company culture to attract the right kind of candidates.

Focus on legibility: In addition to an interesting design, you must ensure that the sign can be read by the target audience easily. You need to limit the number of typefaces, follow a clear hierarchy of information presentation, and display the content in a font size that people can read from at least a distance of 10 feet. It is better to avoid complicated typefaces because though they look good, they are difficult to read, especially from a distance.

Be specific: You will do well to mention the positions for which you are hiring because it is not enough just to say you are hiring. People want to know the specifics like the role and the department, the requirements, eligibility criteria, and more. While you cannot include everything in the sign, you can include a website address or even a QR code that candidates can scan to get all the details for the application.


Since space available on the sign will not allow you to include all the information, you will need to include only the essential information crisply and compellingly. You have to be clear about the open positions, and the steps candidates have to take to apply. Moreover, for the best response rate, you should display the signs where the maximum number of people will notice them. It is often necessary to put up several signs in the areas in the business to increase the chances of people seeing them.

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