Это был проблеск надежды на прогрес после четырех лет, в течение которых президент Трамп сеял дисфункции каждом шагу, знак того, Дональд, возможно, Америка в конечном тоге выйти за своей политики рамки. Despite the crises that are shaking the country to its foundations, Mr Trump has been largely absent from his lair in the White House, relinquishing his responsibility to try to stop the horrific spread of the virus in the last days of his presidency.

Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, wanted to focus the hearing on voting irregularities – even though there is no evidence of large-scale fraud in the November election – but he and the Senator decided not to stop there. Gary Peters, the group’s leading Democrat, has also blocked the commission’s preliminary investigation into Ukraine and accused each other of spreading misinformation. Mr. Johnson defended his decision to hold the hearing with the opposite argument, namely that it is about obtaining information that we need to investigate in order to restore confidence in the integrity of our election.

It was Chris Krebs, a senior election security officer, who set Trump on fire after he repeatedly challenged allegations of the president’s election fraud on Twitter in an attempt to convince senators of the dangers of perpetuating Trump’s campaign myths. We’re past the point where we need to have talks about the outcome of this election, Krebs told lawmakers Wednesday, offering a stark look at the impact of Trump on future races.

I believe that the ongoing attack on democracy and the results of these elections – which only undermine the credibility of the process – ultimately … is to the detriment of the institutions that support the elections. And it’s going to be a lot harder in the future, Krebs said.

This is not the America I know, and it has to stop. We need all the leaders to get involved, said the former senior homeland security officer on cyber security. I wish my own party, the Republican Party, would give me more support to make this happen. We have to move on.

Optimism related to the Coronavirus Stimulus Agreement

Far from the meaningless hearings and votes, which seemed to be mainly intended to appease the president’s insatiable desire for more investigation, the congressional leaders of both parties said they were making progress with Covid’s recovery plan after months of stalemate.

McConnell said leaders have made significant progress in developing a targeted pandemic aid package that could be approved by both houses by a bipartisan majority.

We agreed we wouldn’t leave town until we passed the legislation, McConnell said.

Two of the most controversial issues – the protection of corporate and commercial liability for Covid 19 bonds and direct support for state and local authorities struggling with revenue shortfalls and shrinking budgets following the closure of this year’s accounts – have been largely removed from the main consensus package. This has allowed the negotiators to concentrate on how much they should spend on direct payments to troubled Americans.

At a total cost of about $900 billion, the package should include an additional $300 billion in unemployment benefits and $330 billion in loans to small businesses, as well as much-needed funds for schools and the distribution of vaccines nationwide.

Members are debating whether to give the Americans a new round of incentive vouchers – $600 per person – an amount that some progressive members, including Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, say is insufficient.

Sanders, who wants to see $1,200 in stimulus checks, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday night that the $900 billion for the package is too low, and that what’s in the legislation is good, but not enough.

If you ask the people on the street: What is the most important thing the government can do at this terrible, terrible time? They’ll say: Please help us. We need help to pay the bills now, Sanders said in the war room. That’s what we’re trying to do.

Vermont senator said the members shouldn’t go home until the deal is done: We cannot go back to our families when so many families in this country are suffering right now. We have to do this.

In a conference call on Wednesday, Mr. McConnell asked his members to be willing to vote over the weekend. We don’t know when the vote will take place, but it is to be hoped that legislators will be able to tie the $900 billion bailout plan to the $1.4 trillion that Congress has to pay to prevent the government from closing on Friday night.

Democrats continue to call for increased funding for states and municipalities saddled with money so that they can avoid laying off key employees, including firefighters and personnel, to assist in immunization efforts while trying to achieve the immunization of the entire population. But several Democrats have recognized that help may have to wait until next year, when Biden takes his office and the oversight of the U.S. Senate will be determined by the two Georgia ballots.

I can tell you that in my state, in the city of Chicago and in other large communities in Illinois, they got a real beating. Senator Dick Durbin, a member of the minority, told CNN on Wednesday. Sales have gone down, and we know why. People don’t eat in restaurants anymore, they don’t shop around as much as they used to.

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As Congress focuses on America’s economic concerns and more and more states impose additional restrictions in an effort to curb the spread of the virus, tribal chief operating officer, General Gustav F. Perna, told a briefing Wednesday that all shipments of Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines are still on schedule: This is a steady pace of supply of vaccines to the American people.

In anticipation of the winter storm, Perna said he is working closely with UPS and FedEx officials to establish contingency plans in case vaccine deliveries are delayed, either in the northeast or because the storm is moving to the northwest.

They contacted the customers – they made rules that if someone was absent because of the weather, Perna would talk about it. If there’s a delay: We would have kept the vaccine. It will be returned, secured and delivered the next day.

Additional doses of the vaccine could be available early next week if the U.S. Food and Drug Administration grants an emergency license for the Moderna vaccine, which is widely expected.

As with the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines, an important FDA advisory committee met on Thursday to discuss data and considerations for the Moderna vaccine. If they recommend emergency approval, the FDA will decide whether or not to approve it.

Fault! The file name is not specified.

The Vaccine Advisory Group of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will then meet to discuss whether the moderate vaccine should be offered to Americans, and the CDC will follow the recommendation. Officials said about 6 million doses of Moderana’s vaccine could be shipped immediately, with Americans receiving the vaccine as soon as Monday.

Secretary of State for Health and Human Services Alex Azar was unable to estimate on Wednesday how many people have so far been vaccinated with Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines, but said the federal government is working on a dashboard to provide data and reports on vaccines that could be active within a week.

The rapid development of the vaccine reflects a much more promising and scientific approach to combating the virus than the dangerous strategy of herd immunity put forward by the appointed Chairman of the Parliament’s Supervisory Committee, as recently revealed by internal e-mails received by the Parliament’s Supervisory Committee.

During the briefing on Operation Speed Strain, Azar discussed several new polls that show that more Americans are willing to accept the vaccine. An ABC/Ipsos poll this week found that more than 8 out of 10 Americans are considering getting vaccinated, while a Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that about 70 percent of Americans say the same.

Confidence in the vaccine is growing, Azar said. If the news spreads, if they talk to friends, colleagues and neighbors, the credibility of the vaccine in the United States will only increase through word of mouth from reliable sources, every day.

Vice President Mike Pence will receive the vaccine on Friday in front of the camera and Biden is expected to be vaccinated next week.

But even now that vaccines have been introduced, the situation remains grim in states like California, which has just launched its mass murder plan by ordering an additional 5,000 body bags and setting up 60 cold stores. The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, said his state might have to consider another corona outbreak in January.

Admiral Brett Girouard, Assistant Secretary of Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said he was very confident that the Moderna vaccine would be approved – an encouraging sign that more doses of the vaccine may soon be available – but he begged Americans to continue taking precautions during a CNN New Day appearance.

He supported a newly elected Republican congressman who declared the coronavirus a false pandemic.

We have hundreds of thousands of dead Americans, Girouard said. It’s not fake. It’s not fake. This is serious.

According to Mr. Girouard, Americans should avoid travelling during the holidays: What people need to know is that we are still in the dangerous and critical phase of this pandemic, and that tens of thousands of American lives are at stake every week, and that we can flatten that curve.

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