Drew McIntyre showed up unexpectedly this week at SmackDown on Friday night and said he would beat Randy Orton in the World Championship on Monday and Randy Orton in the survivor series in a scheduled match-up between the champion and the winner. The Lord mocked Mclntyre by saying that no one watches over Raw and that he doesn’t care what Mclntyre does now that the Lord has returned to SmackDown as chief. Jay Aso ran in a match with McIntyre and lost, making McIntyre and the Dominion another challenger to victory.

These two continue their battle of words on Twitter, Mrs McIntyre said: If I leave myself a legacy, no family will open doors for me. First I beat Randy and got my world title back, then I followed you, Roman. He’ll reign again after he’s thrown it away.

This whole family thing, opening doors like this, is just a lame excuse. A free lesson for you, Drew. It’s not about going through the door, it’s about owning the room. What you’ll never do… …as long as I’m here. Good luck Monday at #RAW. #SurvivorSeries https://t.co/0tpl2H1fE0

– Roman rule (@WEROMANReigns) 14 November 2020

Last month it was reported that the most important event of the Survivor Series was Reigns vs. However, a later announcement said that McIntyre had won the world championship at Orton in Cage Hell in order to play the game at a higher level (ideally WrestleMania). Triple X even went so far as to compare it to Steve Austin’s The Rock vs. WrestleMania trilogy at Comic-Con in New York.

When I heard that], I was surprised, but I was very grateful for that big compliment, McIntyre said in the podcast In The Kliq at the end of October in response to a comment by Triple H. I was surprised to hear that, but I was very grateful for that big compliment. Hunter – he’s the one who brought me back to the WWE. He followed my whole career, then died and reappeared before his eyes. So now, at this point, it’s cool that they can see me on this level.

I think it’s a matter of keeping us on the path we’re on now, he continued. Roman, keep doing what he’s doing with his new character, and I’ll finally be myself. Actually, I think it’s more of a Roman existence. We are both ourselves now, and we continue to develop these characters to the point where everyone knows them inside out, and we take them as far as we can. And in the end, if we have this great game, it can be played at a very, very high level. Even if we had done it before, it would still be a great game, because Roman was the longest banner. In the past seven or eight years he has been the best dog, the big dog, the main event of four WrestleManias in a row. But now he’s taken the corner where he talks the most: I did all this, look at me. Instead of the humble Roman we knew in the past, he says: I did. No one else could have done it. I think, on the other hand, I’ll prove I can do it. I do, and I will continue to do so. I think it will be an interesting confrontation between some elected officials when he finally arrives.

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