A new HPV vaccine, called Covid-19, will be available to girls aged 12 to 13 in 2018. The vaccine combines two existing vaccines, Cervarix (HPV2) and Gardasil (HPV4). The vaccines are designed to protect against the two most common strains of HPV, which until now have not been covered by routine vaccination in the UK.

It has been almost three years since Covid-19, an experimental vaccine for hepatitis B was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There have been a lot of questions lately about the vaccine, some of which are listed here. These questions and answers are based on the information gathered during the clinical trials, but there may be new information that has come to light since then.

Covid-19 is a new drug that has been developed to treat a wide range of cancers. The drug has already been tested in clinical trials for many types of cancer, and the results have been promising. The drug is based on a cancer vaccine, and its effective against many types of cancer. It has been cleared by the FDA, and is expected to be available to doctors in the US as early as next week. At the moment, the drug is only available to ‘oncologists’ – doctors who treat people with cancer.  Because of this, it is likely that potential patients will be turned away when they have asked for a consultation. But, with this blog post, I hope to dispel some of the myths surrounding Cov. Read more about how long does it take for the side effects of the covid-19 vaccine to show? and let us know what you think.



Why do some individuals get Covid-19 despite being vaccinated? Is it the vaccine’s fault?

Because no coronavirus is present in any of the vaccinations used in the United States, getting Covid-19 via a vaccine is impossible.

However, no vaccination is perfect, and some individuals who have been completely vaccinated may still get sick.

Multiple studies have shown that the Covid-19 vaccines are among the most effective vaccinations ever produced, preventing 90 percent of symptomatic illnesses. There isn’t much data on how many individuals who have been vaccinated have mild illnesses or infections without symptoms since so few people are checked after they’ve been vaccinated.

Vaccines will not protect individuals from inhaling the pathogen. What they can do is make sure the body responds quickly to remove the infection if someone is exposed. Some individuals may get infected during this period.

Those who develop breakthrough infections after receiving the Covid-19 vaccination, like those who receive the flu vaccine, have milder symptoms or no symptoms at all, according to CDC study.

According to the CDC, more than 90% of individuals who are hospitalized or die as a result of Covid-19 had not been vaccinated.

It’s essential to note that you won’t be completely protected until two weeks following your last dose of coronavirus vaccine, so you’re still susceptible during the first few weeks after immunization. The CDC advises that you continue to take all measures until you are completely vaccinated.

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How much does vaccination decrease illness, hospitalization, and mortality when the Delta variation spreads?

“If you’re (completely) vaccinated now, your odds of becoming sick fall down by 3 1/2-fold,” Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, stated August 1.

“Your odds of developing symptoms are cut in half. Your chances of getting a serious disease that requires hospitalization drop by a factor of 25.”

According to Collins, such reductions in infections, illnesses, and hospitalizations are “fantastically wonderful for any vaccination.”

He added, “We didn’t really have a right to challenge them to be this excellent in the real world, yet they are — even against Delta.”

According to an internal presentation from the US Centers for Illness Control and Prevention, the Delta variation is many times more infectious than the original strain of new coronavirus and seems to produce more severe disease.

According to CDC statistics dated July 26, more than 99.99 percent of individuals completely vaccinated against Covid-19 have not experienced a breakthrough case resulting in hospitalization or death.

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What is the Delta variation, and how does it differ from other variants? Is it more dangerous than other coronavirus strains?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Delta variation is a coronavirus strain originally discovered in India that is causing increased infections, hospitalizations, and fatalities in the United States.

According to CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the Delta variation accounted for 83 percent of sequenced coronavirus samples in the United States as of July 20.

“From June 19 to July 23, 2021, COVID-19 cases rose over 300 percent nationwide, with corresponding increases in hospitalizations and fatalities due to the highly transmissible B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant,” according to the CDC.

The Delta variety includes a group of alterations, including one known as L452R, that makes it easier for it to infect human cells.

“This variation is even more transmissible than the UK (Alpha) form, which was more transmissible than the virus we were dealing with last year,” stated Dr. Vivek Murthy, the US Surgeon General.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, stated that, in addition to greater transmissibility, “it may be linked with an increased illness severity, such as hospitalization risk.”

When factors including age, sex, ethnicity, and vaccination status were taken into account, a study of 38,805 sequenced cases in England found that the Delta variation carried 2.61 times the risk of hospitalization within 14 days compared to the Alpha variant.

According to Public Health England, the Delta version accounted for 99 percent of Covid-19 infections in the UK by mid-June.

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Are there any vaccinations that work against the Delta variant?

Although full immunization lowers the risk of serious disease, hospitalization, and death from the Delta form, infections may still occur.

According to a trial published in May by Public Health England, two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine provided 88 percent protection against symptomatic Covid-19 caused by the Delta strain.

According to the research, individuals who received just one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine had only 33% protection against the Delta version three weeks later.

“The most important thing is to be vaccinated. Dr. Vivek Murthy, the US Surgeon General, advised taking both dosages.

In lab tests, Moderna’s two-dose vaccination was shown to be effective against variations like as the Delta strain, the firm said in June. A week after receiving their second dosage of the Moderna vaccine, scientists took blood samples from eight individuals.

And researchers say the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine also appears to work against the Delta variant. The researchers studied blood taken from eight vaccinated volunteers and tested it against an engineered version of the spike protein of the Delta variant.

“A single dose of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine generated neutralizing antibodies against a range of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, which increased over time, including against the increasingly prevalent and more transmissible Delta (B.1.617.2) variant,” Johnson & Johnson said in July.

The Delta variation, however, is more infectious than both the original new coronavirus strain and the Alpha (B.1.1.7) strain, according to the surgeon general.

In addition, a CDC study found that an epidemic primarily driven by the Delta variant may result in breakthrough infections, especially in big public gatherings with visitors from a variety of locations with varying degrees of transmission.

The epidemic in Provincetown, Massachusetts, came as thousands of tourists from around the nation descended on Barnstable County on Cape Cod for July 4th celebrations and festivities. “Some communities in Barnstable county may have up to 240,000 tourists each month during the summer,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.

The CDC discovered 469 Covid-19 instances among Massachusetts citizens, including 346 (74%) among those who had received their complete vaccination.

But, according to Provincetown Town Manager Alex Morse, the vaccination is obviously effective in reducing hospitalizations and deaths.

“There hasn’t been a single fatality in Provincetown as a result of the cluster,” Morse added. While seven individuals had been admitted to the hospital – some of whom had since been released – “there hasn’t been a surge in admissions, and generally the symptoms are mild to moderate,” according to the report.

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Do individuals who have been completely vaccinated still need to wear masks because to the more infectious Delta strain?

On July 27, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an update to their guidance:

  • Many of the things you performed before the epidemic are still possible if you are completely vaccinated.
  • Wear a mask inside in public if you are in a region with significant or high transmission of the Delta variant to optimize protection and minimize possible spread to others.
  • If you have a weaker immune system, or if you are at higher risk for serious illness due to your age or an underlying medical condition, or if someone in your family has a compromised immune system, is at increased risk for severe disease, or is unvaccinated, wearing a mask is essential. If this applies to you or your family, regardless of the degree of transmission in your region, you may want to wear a mask.

The highly infectious Delta form accounted for just around 1% of reported illnesses in May, when the CDC said fully vaccinated individuals could unmask in most circumstances. At least 83 percent of sequenced samples were from the Delta variation by late July.

“In recent days, I have received new scientific evidence from recent outbreak investigations indicating that the Delta variation of the virus that causes Covid-19 acts uniquely differently from previous strains of the virus,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky stated on July 27.

“This new research is concerning, and regrettably, our recommendations must be updated,” she added. “Neither we nor the CDC have taken this choice lightly.”

People who have been fully vaccinated are less likely to get infected and, if they do, are less likely to become seriously ill. However, recent study indicates that breakthrough cases may have the same viral load as unvaccinated individuals who are sick, suggesting that they may be able to spread the virus, according to Walensky.

According to recent statistics from Johns Hopkins University, states with below-average immunization rates had almost twice the incidence of new Covid-19 infections compared to those with above-average vaccination rates.

The CDC advises individuals who haven’t been completely vaccinated to wear a mask:

“People who have not been vaccinated should get immunized and continue to mask until they are completely vaccinated. This is more important than ever with the Delta variety, according to the CDC.

“Vaccination protects against serious disease, hospitalization, and death.”

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Why are there so many infectious variants?

The greater the number of individuals who get infected with a virus, the more likely it is for the virus to develop via mutation.

Viruses constantly change as they reproduce in infected individuals. Some mutations aren’t very significant. However, if the changes are large enough, they may result in more infectious or deadly new virus types.

Dr. Jorge Rodriguez, a board-certified internist, described a virus as “a necklace full of different-colored beads.”

“A red bead is required in position No. 1 as well. A green bead is in position No. 2. “That sequence of bead colors is the genetic code,” he said.

“A virus is intended to produce an identical duplicate of those bead colors when it multiplies. But every now and again, a green bead may end up in the place where a red bead should be.”

When a virus’s changes offer it an advantage, such as the capacity to reproduce faster or hide from the immune system, it will outcompete other versions.

According to Penny Moore, a virus specialist at South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases, the only method to eliminate variations is to reduce the number of infections.

This is one of the main reasons why physicians advise patients to be vaccinated as soon as possible. Those who refuse to be vaccinated are putting their own health at danger, as well as the health of others, according to infectious disease experts.

“Unvaccinated individuals are potential variation factories,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Division of Infectious Diseases.

“The more individuals who aren’t vaccinated, the more chances for the virus to spread.”

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Should I still be vaccinated if I have Covid-19?

“You should be vaccinated regardless of whether you have COVID-19,” according to the CDC.

“This is because scientists aren’t sure how long you’ll be immune to becoming ill after recovering from COVID-19.”

Many physicians think that the immunity gained through vaccination is likely to be greater and last longer than the immunity gained from prior infections.

“There are six additional coronaviruses, including MERS and SARS, as well as four viruses that cause the common cold. They don’t seem to be particularly good at building long-term immunity, according to epidemiologist Dr. Larry Brilliant.

“Many of the vaccinations used throughout history are really more effective at generating immunity than the virus itself.”

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Is it true that the Covid-19 vaccinations don’t function as effectively in individuals who are immunocompromised? Does this imply that they need more doses?

Because vaccinations rely on an immune system response to function, millions of Americans who are immunocompromised or who use immune-suppressing medications may not benefit as much from immunizations as others.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 9 million Americans are immunocompromised. They’re in a difficult position because they’re more likely to become sick with Covid-19, but they also may not produce enough of an immunological response to receive the full advantages of the vaccine.

Even if you are completely vaccinated, you may not be protected if you have a disease or are taking medicines that impair your immune system, according to the CDC. “Until your healthcare practitioner advises differently, you should continue to take all measures suggested for unvaccinated people.”

That’s why, according to Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, many Americans are relying on their fellow citizens to be vaccinated to help protect them.

Some immunocompromised individuals have chosen to get an additional vaccination dosage on their own. Antibodies rose in some people, but not in others.

Researchers from Johns Hopkins University indicated in June that giving an additional injection to certain organ transplant patients who did not have a complete reaction to their first immunizations may help boost Covid-19 antibody levels.

“The safety, effectiveness, and utility of extra doses for COVID-19 vaccinations in immunocompromised people is still being evaluated,” according to the CDC.

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Why haven’t the Covid-19 vaccines received complete FDA approval yet? Is it true that they are less safe and effective? What’s the hold-up if not?

The US Food and Drug Administration has granted emergency use permission to the three vaccinations used in the US. But, according to Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the FDA’s Vaccinations and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, that doesn’t imply they’re any less safe or effective than fully authorized vaccines.

Offit said that there are two major distinctions between emergency permission and full approval. The first is a time constraint, while the second is a comprehensive manufacturing process.

In late July, Offit said, “Full approval, for all practical reasons, simply implies three more months of effectiveness evidence.”

“We could claim they’re 95 percent effective for three months because that’s how much evidence we had,” Offit said when the FDA granted emergency use clearance for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.

“The FDA needs three more months,” or at least six months of evidence, before moving to full approval And licensure, according to Offit.

“As we discovered, if something is 95 percent successful for three months, you can guarantee it will be highly beneficial for longer.”

Another reason it takes so long to gain final clearance, according to him, is that there is a thorough validation procedure in place to guarantee future manufacturing remains accurate and consistent.

“When the FDA licenses a product, they don’t simply license the product,” Offit said. “They also license the process” in the case of vaccinations.

“They verify every element of the manufacturing because they want to ensure that every lot is created consistently. They also vouch for the structure. So everything needs to be verified — the computers, the washing out of the vats, everything.”

It’s unclear when final clearance will be given, but Dr. Francis Collins, the head of the National Institutes of Health, indicated in late July that it might happen in the “next couple of months.”

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Is it true that Covid-19 does not cause serious illness in children? Or that coronavirus cannot be transmitted by children?

“Viruses may be transmitted by children. They are vulnerable,” said Anne Rimoin, a UCLA epidemiology professor.

More than 125 kids and adults who attended a summer camp for 6th through 12th graders hosted by a Texas church tested positive for coronavirus in late June.

“Hundreds of others were probably exposed when sick individuals came home from camp,” claimed the church’s senior pastor.

Dr. Alan Jones, Associate Vice Chancellor for Clinical Affairs at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, stated, “We are witnessing an increase in the number of children’s hospitalizations.”

“We’ve had babies as young as 6 to 8 months old all the way up to teenagers,” Jones stated on July 14.

The highly infectious Delta strain has already spread to all 50 states, wreaking havoc on areas where people have not been vaccinated.

“We do know in Mississippi that the Delta variety is the main strain circulating — probably 88 percent to 90 percent of it,” Jones added.

He said, “That, along with the fact that we’re seeing a lot less mask use today, is another element that factors into the equation of why we’re seeing more” youngsters in the hospital.

“Finally, it seems that, in addition to being more infectious, this specific variation, the Delta variant, is also causing more children to be symptomatic,” Jones added.

“We’re not sure whether that’s because it produces somewhat more severe disease than other variations or because it’s just more common — and therefore we’re seeing more symptomatic patients. But it’s most likely complex and interconnected with all of those factors.”

According to a research by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than half of the children aged 6 to 10 who attended a Georgia summer camp and were tested for coronavirus tested positive.

The authors of the CDC research stated, “This work adds to the body of data showing that children of various ages are vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection and, contrary to early findings, may play a significant role in transmission.”

Last summer, the number of children hospitalized with Covid-19 in Florida increased by 23% in only eight days, from 246 on July 16 to 303 on July 24.

Covid-19, also known as multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), is an uncommon but potentially life-threatening disease that may strike children weeks after a coronavirus infection.

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I’m not feeling well, but I’ve had my vaccinations. Should I get a coronavirus test?

“Please be tested regardless of your vaccination status,” US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy advised if you suspect you may have Covid-19 symptoms.

“We know that the symptoms of Covid-19 first resemble those of the flu or a cold. A runny nose, tiredness, or other symptoms may be present. It’s critical for individuals to be tested in such situations.”

Because no coronavirus is present in any of the vaccinations used in the United States, getting Covid-19 via a vaccine is impossible.

However, Covid-19 vaccinations have full effect two weeks after your last dosage, “so a person may get ill if the vaccine has not had enough time to offer protection,” according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Those who have been completely vaccinated are significantly less likely to get sick than those who have not been fully vaccinated, according to the CDC. Furthermore, “COVID-19 vaccinations decrease the chance of COVID-19 spreading.”

However, although Covid-19 vaccinations are very successful, they are not without flaws. Because vaccinations rely on an immune system response to function, millions of Americans who are immunocompromised or use immune-suppressing medications may not get the same level of protection as others.

The good news is that, according to CDC studies, when rare breakthrough infections do occur in vaccinated individuals, they are less severe.

It’s particularly essential for individuals who aren’t immunized and have Covid-19 symptoms to be tested. According to the CDC, unvaccinated individuals transmit coronavirus more readily than vaccinated ones.

“We have observed that many individuals throughout the nation are not being checked despite having symptoms,” Murthy stated on July 13.

“Many individuals are thinking, ‘Covid is finished; why should I get tested?’ And, regrettably, this is especially true in regions where vaccination rates are low – just where we want to be testing more.”

Work/life vaccine family transmission treatment & prevention

I’ve been vaccinated, yet my coronavirus test came back positive. So, what should I do now?

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Do we need to get Covid-19 booster shots? How will we know when we may need them if we don’t have them?

“At this time, Americans who have been completely vaccinated do not need a booster shot,” the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the US Food and Drug Administration stated in a joint statement on July 8.

The CDC and FDA said, “We continue to evaluate any new data as it becomes available and will keep the public informed.” “If and when research shows that booster dosages are required, we will be ready.”

In May, the Israeli government announced that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccination was 95.3 percent successful in preventing coronavirus infections. However, when the extremely infectious Delta variety spread further, that percentage fell to 64% in June, according to a short statement issued by the Israeli government on July 5.

According to the Israeli government, the vaccination was still 93 percent effective in avoiding severe illness and Covid-19 hospitalizations, compared to 97 percent published in the medical journal The Lancet in May.

Pfizer has said that it is working on a booster dosage to protect individuals against variations.

While most individuals who have been completely vaccinated are still protected, Pfizer and BioNTech are planning for the possibility of a booster injection in the future, according to Dr. Jerome Adams, former US Surgeon General during the Trump administration.

“The businesses are pondering where the hockey puck will end up,” Adams said. “The FDA and the CDC are looking at where the hockey puck is at the moment. And they want to reassure Americans that the greatest protection is still a vaccination, and that even in the face of variations and fading immunity, you still have excellent protection – better than the flu shot in any given year.”

Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines were extremely effective for at least six months, according to studies published in April (and counting).

In July, Johnson & Johnson said research showed its vaccine is highly effective for at least eight months (and counting).

According to board-certified internist Dr. Jorge Rodriguez, “the individuals who were in the (vaccine trial) trials that began in October or so, they’re being followed on a regular basis” to help establish how long vaccination protection lasts.

“But realize that for now, vaccines are your greatest bet,” Adams added. “They’re still very effective,” says the author. And if we need a booster, we just need to buy a booster. People shouldn’t get too fired up about it since we do it every year for the flu.”

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Is going on vacation safe?

Travel family transmission treatment & prevention work/life

When will younger children be able to get the Covid-19 vaccine?

A vaccination for children aged 12 and above is already available, and clinical studies for younger children are now ongoing.

The vaccine developed by Pfizer/BioNTech is presently the only one approved for individuals aged 12 and above. The vaccine is now being studied in youngsters ranging in age from 6 months to 11 years old. If all goes well, Pfizer intends to submit an application to the US Food and Drug Administration in September to get the vaccine approved for children aged 2 to 11.

Learn why parents volunteered their infants and toddlers for vaccination studies and why physicians believe it is critical to vaccinate children against Covid-19.

Adults aged 18 and above are presently eligible to get Moderna’s vaccination. Early trial results indicated the vaccine is safe and seems to be effective in 12- to 17-year-olds, according to the firm. Moderna said in June that it has requested the FDA to approve its vaccine for children aged 12 to 17.

Moderna is also evaluating different dosages of its vaccine in youngsters aged 6 months to 11 years old. If everything goes well, children under the age of 12 may be eligible for the vaccination this winter or in early 2022, according to Moderna.

Johnson & Johnson said it plans to start testing its Covid-19 vaccine in adolescents starting this fall. Its single-dose vaccine is currently authorized for adults ages 18 and up.

J&J said it’s planning four late-stage vaccine trials for children. This first trial will focus on 12- to 17-year-olds, and the others will expand to include younger children. In total, J&J plans to enroll a minimum of 4,500 pediatric participants up to age 17.

“To keep children safe, and ultimately to achieve herd immunity, it is imperative that COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials continue to move forward in this population,” J&J said in a July 1 email to CNN.

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My children are adamant about not wearing a mask. So, what should I do now?

Children are more hesitant than adults because they are more sensitive to new things, according to Christopher Willard, a Harvard Medical School psychiatric professor.

He said, “There’s also the strange psychological element of not being able to see their own face or other people’s features and facial expressions,” which may make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

To help your kid overcome his or her fear of wearing masks, consider purchasing or creating masks with entertaining designs. Alternatively, let your kid to personalize his or her masks by painting on them using markers.

You may also buy superhero-themed children’s face masks or show your youngsters pictures of their favorite celebrities wearing masks.

It’s also a good idea to lead by example and wear a mask. Show your kids your own mask and tell them that wearing one will make them look exactly like Mom or Dad.

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What is the difference between the Delta and Delta Plus versions?

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What should I tell my reluctant friends, family, or colleagues about vaccinations?

Fear is a natural human response, according to physician Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez. “They’re experiencing a typical response, and it’s possible they haven’t been able to speak with their doctor.”

She recommends scheduling a calm, logical discussion when neither party is furious or likely to start a quarrel.

“The first thing I’d say is, ‘I understand.’ I completely get where you’re coming from and why you’re worried about this,’” she says. According to Bracho-Sanchez.

It’s also critical to provide scientific evidence, such as the truth regarding side effects, the safety of Covid-19 vaccinations, and why young, healthy individuals should be vaccinated.

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When you recover from Covid-19, how long does your immunity last?

Although research is still in its early stages, a new study of antibodies indicates that you may remain immune for months after infection.

“While this does not offer definitive proof that these antibody responses protect against reinfection, we think they are highly likely to reduce the chances ratio of reinfection,” Mount Sinai researchers stated.

“It is yet unknown if and for how long human infection with SARS-CoV-2 [the official name for the new coronavirus] protects against reinfection.”

There have been instances of individuals being infected twice in a short period of time. A 25-year-old Nevada male seemed to be the first recorded instance of Covid-19 reinfection in the United States, according to doctors. He was initially diagnosed in April 2020, then recovered and tested negative on two separate occasions. He tested positive for the second time about a month later.

A different group of researchers discovered that a 33-year-old Hong Kong man got Covid-19 twice, in March and August of 2020.

An 89-year-old Dutch lady died last year after contracting Covid-19 twice, according to doctors. She also had a rare white blood cell malignancy. She was the first person reported to die following re-infection.

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Could the Covid-19 vaccination cause me to get coronavirus?

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How good are these vaccines? Why should I get a Johnson & Johnson vaccine if the numbers don’t seem as good as the others?

Both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines have been proven to provide approximately 95% protection against symptomatic Covid-19 infection, and both are almost 100% effective against severe Covid-19 infection. No one who was vaccinated died from Covid-19 in their clinical trials.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was 72% effective against Covid-19 among US trial participants and 85% effective against severe Covid-19. Like the other two vaccines, no one who was vaccinated during the clinical trial died from Covid-19.

But Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine was tested later – when coronavirus cases were surging and new variant strains were spreading more widely.

And unlike the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines, which require two doses, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires only one dose.

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Will the Covid-19 vaccination be mandated in the United States? What if I refuse to be vaccinated?

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What is the price of a Covid-19 vaccine?

“Everything is free. “The government is footing the bill,” said Dr. Paul Offit, head of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Vaccine Education Center.

Vaccinate your family’s work/life balance.

What are the vaccinations’ side effects?

Some individuals have reported experiencing flu-like symptoms for a short period of time. If this occurs to you, don’t panic, say health professionals.

“These are immunological reactions, so you should anticipate to feel something following vaccination,” Patricia Stinchfield of Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota said.

“And it’s typical to experience some arm pain, tiredness, body aches, or even a fever when you do,” Stinchfield said.

Read on to learn what to do if you have side effects and why they are frequently a positive indication.

According to Pfizer, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has demonstrated no significant safety issues. Side effects, including as fever, tiredness, and chills, were “usually mild to moderate” and lasted one to two days, according to Pfizer.

Moderna claims that their vaccination has no severe adverse effects. Body pains and headaches were reported by a tiny proportion of study participants, according to the report.

With the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the most common side effects were pain at the injection site, headache, fatigue and muscle pain. While the CDC recommends the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, “women younger than 50 years old especially should be aware of the rare but increased risk of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS),” the agency says. “TTS is a serious condition that involves blood clots with low platelets. There are other COVID-19 vaccine options available for which this risk has not been seen.”

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What are the long-term consequences of a coronavirus infection?

After testing positive for Covid-19, several survivors have experienced difficulties weeks or months later.

Shortness of breath, persistent tiredness, brain fog, long-term fever, coughing, memory loss, and the inability to taste or smell have all been reported in young people.

One CDC research showed that two to three weeks following their coronavirus testing, 35% of survivors still experienced symptoms:

  • In the 18-to-34 age range, 26% reported they were still experiencing symptoms weeks later.
  • Weeks later, 32% of those aged 35 to 49 were still dealing with the consequences.
  • Seventy-seven percent of individuals aged 50 and above indicated they were still experiencing symptoms weeks later.

According to the American Heart Association, the risk of mortality from coronavirus-related heart injury seems to be much higher than previously believed.

According to the AHA, vascular inflammation and cardiac damage occur in 20 percent to 30 percent of hospitalized Covid-19 patients and account for 40 percent of fatalities. Dr. Mitchell Elkind, president of the American Heart Association, warned that cardiac problems with Covid-19 may persist after the coronavirus has been cleared.

Work/life family transmission

What is the definition of aerosolized spread? What exactly is the distinction between aerosols and droplets?

Coronavirus may spread not only via respiratory droplets, but also through even smaller particles called aerosols, which can hang in the air longer than droplets and travel farther than 6 feet.

When someone speaks, breathes, sings, sneezes, or coughs, respiratory aerosols and droplets are produced. However, the most significant distinction is in terms of size.

Respiratory droplets are larger, ranging in size from 5 to 10 microns in diameter. (A human hair is usually 60 to 120 microns in diameter.)

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said, “If you have droplets that come out of a person, they usually fall down within 6 feet.”

Aerosols (also known as droplet nuclei) are much smaller, with a diameter of less than 5 microns, according to the World Health Organization.

“Aerosol implies the droplets don’t fall out right away,” Fauci said. “They stay for a while,” says the narrator.

When you’re indoors and there’s inadequate ventilation, this becomes “very important,” he added.

“There is sufficient evidence to conclude that aerosol transmission (of coronavirus) occurs,” Fauci added.

According to Dr. Amy Compton-Phillips, chief clinical officer of Providence Health System, coronavirus may spread well beyond 6 feet via airborne transmission, such as during choir rehearsals.

After one member of a choir in Washington state attended rehearsals and subsequently tested positive for Covid-19, 53 members of the choir became ill, and two individuals died.

239 experts signed a statement in July asking public health authorities to acknowledge the risk of aerosolized transmission.

“Viruses in microscopic respiratory droplets (microdroplets) pose a significant risk of inhalation exposure at short to medium distances (up to several meters, or room scale), and we are advocating for the use of preventive measures to mitigate this route of airborne transmission,” the letter stated.

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My mental health is suffering as a result of the epidemic. How can I seek assistance if I’m sad and isolated?

The Crisis Text Line may be reached by texting 741741. The program is free and provided by trained volunteers and crisis counselors 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Disaster Distress Helpline offers crisis counseling and assistance to individuals who are suffering emotional distress as a result of catastrophes 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To reach a qualified crisis counselor, call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746.

For the Frontlines provides free 24/7 crisis counseling and support to health care professionals and critical workers who are coping with stress, worry, fear, or isolation as a result of the coronavirus.

Check out CNN’s guide on giving and receiving assistance during the epidemic for more information.

Family Work/Life Treatment & Prevention schools/education

What “underlying circumstances” place individuals at a greater risk of poor Covid-19 outcomes?

According to the CDC, more than 40% of US people have at least one underlying disease that puts them at greater risk of severe consequences.

According to the CDC, these conditions include obesity, chronic obstructive lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease.

Cancer patients, organ transplant recipients, sickle cell anemia patients, HIV patients with poor management, and those with any immunological disease are all at risk.

According to CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Covid-19 patients with pre-existing illnesses are 6 times more likely to be hospitalized and 12 times more likely to die from the disease than those who do not have pre-existing disorders.

While young, healthy individuals are less prone to succumb to Covid-19, the illness has long-term consequences for many.

Treatment & prevention family work/life transmission

What are the rules for riding in a vehicle with a member of another family?

Face masks should be worn by unvaccinated individuals from different homes in a vehicle, according to Cleveland Clinic’s Dr. Aaron Hamilton.

“You should also wear one if you’re going to a drive-thru or curbside pickup place and need to engage with someone,” Hamilton added.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recommends keeping the windows open to help air the vehicle and provide another layer of protection.

Travel transmission treatment & prevention work/life family schools/education

What should I do if I have to sneeze while wearing a mask?

If tissues are available, you may remove your mask and sneeze into the tissue before replacing it, according to CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

Keep a backup mask in a baggie for kids at school — or anybody else who may have to wear a mask all day — in case the first mask becomes soiled. Place the filthy mask in the baggie.

Backup masks should also be kept in your vehicle in case of any mask mishaps.

Transmission schools/education work/life treatment & prevention

Is there a difference between coronavirus and Covid-19? How did they come up with their moniker?

Although Coronavirus and Covid-19 are not synonymous, the names are often used interchangeably.

This “new coronavirus” is unique in that it was first discovered in humans in late 2019. SARS (approximately 2003) and MERS (circa 2003) are two additional coronaviruses that have been reported to infect humans (circa 2012).

According to the CDC, coronaviruses are called for the crown-like spikes on their surface, or coronas. SARS-CoV-2, which stands for “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,” is the scientific name for this new coronavirus.

Covid-19, on the other hand, is a disease caused by a new coronavirus. “Coronavirus disease 2019” is the source of the letters and digits of “Covid-19.”

Myths & misinformation schools/education

Will a pregnant woman’s kid be infected with Covid-19? Is it possible for infants to acquire coronavirus via breastfeeding?

Family transmission work/life treatment & prevention myths & misinformation

Is it possible to give organs to someone who died from the coronavirus?

According to the US Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, this is not currently advised.

“As additional information regarding the course and treatment of COVID-19 becomes available,” the network said, “this advice may change.”

“In cases when test results are pending at the time of organ offers, donation and transplant physicians should use their medical judgment.”

family transmission treatment & prevention

Should we clean our phones on a daily basis?

Yes, that’s a fantastic concept since, when you consider how many surfaces you touch before contacting your phone, mobile phones are essentially “petri dishes in our pockets.”

Whether or not there is a coronavirus pandemic, you should clean your phone on a regular basis.

Because you’re holding them against your skin, touching them all the time, and speaking into them, there’s probably quite a lot of germs on there,” said Mark Fielder, a professor of medical microbiology at Kingston University.

“And, much like regular speech, speaking releases water droplets. As a result, a variety of microorganisms – including Covid-19, if you’re afflicted with that virus – are likely to get up on your phone.”

Here are some of the finest methods to disinfect your phone.

Work/life balance in transmission treatment & prevention family

Is it okay to return to the gym?

If you aren’t vaccinated, you are putting yourself at danger.

Coronavirus is more readily transmitted inside than outside, particularly if you’re staying indoors for a prolonged amount of time.

Heavy breathing and singing have also been shown to push aerosolized virus particles farther, increasing the chance of transmission.

According to study released by the CDC, approximately 30 individuals with no symptoms exercised hard for four hours during one fitness teacher session. More than 100 additional cases of coronavirus were linked back to the fitness course after eight attendees tested positive.

Many gyms are restricting capacity or mandating masks to help minimize the danger.

While health professionals suggest keeping a gap of 6 feet between yourself and others, it’s a good idea to maintain even more distance at the gym.

“You may want to double the normal 6 feet to 12 feet, just to be safe,” CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta added.

Transmission work/life treatment & prevention

A few weeks ago, I tested positive for coronavirus. How long may individuals be infected with Covid-19? Is it necessary for me to continue isolating or retest?

For symptomatic carriers: If your symptoms have been present for at least 10 days and you haven’t had a fever (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) and your other symptoms have improved, you may cease isolating, according to the CDC.

Patients with serious illnesses may need to be isolated for up to 20 days after their symptoms first appeared.

(However, it’s essential to remember that symptoms don’t usually appear until several days after infection, and you’re more infectious during this period.) Symptoms may sometimes persist for weeks or months, especially in young individuals.)

People who tested positive but didn’t have any symptoms may cease isolating 10 days after the initial positive test — as long as they haven’t acquired symptoms since then, according to the CDC.

However, the CDC cautioned that since symptoms cannot be used to determine where these people are in the course of their disease, the length of virus shedding may be greater or shorter than 10 days after their initial positive test. Even if they have no symptoms, a person may infect others with the virus via viral shedding.

If two negative test results from tests taken more than 24 hours apart, asymptomatic carriers who have tested positive may also cease isolating. It’s very improbable that they’re still infectious at that time.

Work/life treatment & prevention family schools/education transmission

I heard you may acquire Covid-19 by looking at it. Should we also put on goggles?

Wearing eye protection (in addition to face masks) may assist some individuals, but it isn’t essential for everyone, according to doctors.

Children who have younger classmates in the classroom are more likely to “take down their masks or not be particularly cooperative with them,” according to epidemiologist Saskia Popescu. “It’s possible that you’ll get respiratory droplets in your eyes.”

Wearing eye protection is recommended if you work in health care or are caring for someone at home who has coronavirus, according to Dr. Thomas Steinemann, clinical spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

(It’s worth noting that regular glasses or sunglasses are insufficient since they leave too many holes around the eyes.)

Wearing goggles isn’t required if you’ve been vaccinated or aren’t in a high-risk scenario.

While receiving Covid-19 via your eyes is still conceivable, Steinemann believes it is less probable than getting it through your nose or mouth.

Doctors would definitely encounter more Covid-19 patients with conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, if a large number of individuals were acquiring coronavirus via their eyes, he added (though having pink eye does not always indicate you had coronavirus).

Transmission work/life treatment & prevention schools/education myths & misinformation

Face shields should be worn instead of (or in addition to) face masks.

Plastic face shields should not be used for daily activities or as a replacement for face masks, according to the CDC. There are a few exceptions, such as individuals who are deaf and depend on lip reading, or those who have physical or mental health problems that would be made worse by wearing a fabric face mask.

“Cloth face coverings are an important preventative strategy, especially when social distance is difficult,” according to the CDC.

Cloth face coverings decrease the spray of droplets when worn over the nose and mouth, according to clinical and laboratory research — what the CDC describes to as “source control.” Many individuals are infectious even if they have no symptoms or are unaware that they are sick.

Face shields placed over masks may provide an extra layer of protection while also preventing others from touching their faces. Face shields, in addition to masks, may be worn by workers who are exposed to people for extended periods of time, such as grocery shop employees or hospital staff.

If a face shield is required in the absence of a mask, the CDC recommends that it “should wrap around the sides of the wearer’s face and extend to below the chin.” Face shields that are disposable should only be used once. After each usage, reusable face shields should be washed and disinfected.”

Transmission treatment & prevention work/life schools/education

Isn’t it true that the flu kills more people than the coronavirus?

Family of transmission work/life myths & misinformation

Is it possible for me to have the flu and the coronavirus at the same time? If that’s the case, how does it affect your body?

“You may definitely have the flu and Covid-19 at the same time, which might be disastrous for your immune system,” said Dr. Adrian Burrowes, a Florida family care specialist.

In fact, according to epidemiologist Dr. Seema Yasmin, being ill with one may make you more susceptible to getting sick with the other.

“When you become sick with the flu or other respiratory infections, your body weakens,” she said. “Your defenses deteriorate, leaving you susceptible to a secondary infection.”

Both Covid-19 and the flu may assault the lungs on their own, resulting in pneumonia, pulmonary fluid, or respiratory failure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Michael Matthay, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, said, “The two (illnesses) combined certainly may be more damaging to the lungs and cause greater respiratory failure.”

Similarly to Covid-19, even young, healthy individuals may succumb to the virus.

The best way to prevent a flu/Covid-19 double whammy, according to doctors, is to be vaccinated.

transmission family work/life schools/education myths & misinformation

How can I determine whether I have the flu or the coronavirus (or both)?

Fever, cough, shortness of breath, tiredness, sore throat, body pains, and a runny or stuffy nose are all symptoms of the flu and Covid-19, according to the CDC.

“Some individuals may have vomiting and diarrhea,” according to the CDC, “though this is more frequent in children than adults.”

Covid-19, unlike the flu, may result in a loss of taste or smell.

Coronavirus transmissions occur in approximately half of cases before any symptoms appear. (Many of individuals who quietly spread the virus are pre-symptomatic and more contagious before they exhibit symptoms.)

So being tested is the best method to find out whether you have the new coronavirus or the flu (or both). The CDC has developed a test that will detect both viruses and will be available in CDC-supported public health laboratories.

Work/life family treatment & prevention schools/education myths & misinformation

When I wear a mask, how can I keep my glasses or sunglasses from fogging up?

To begin, ensure sure your mask’s top fits tightly on your skin (to minimize vapor from your breath from going up toward your eyes). Then place your spectacles over the mask’s tight-fitting top part.

If that doesn’t work, you may build a barrier using soap and water to keep your glasses from fogging up. Here’s how to do it.

Work/life family schools/education treatment & prevention

Is Covid-19 more likely to cause serious problems in cancer patients?

Yes. According to the CDC, the higher risk applies to cancer patients of all ages.

According to the CDC, “having cancer now raises your chance of serious disease from COVID-19.” “At this point, it’s unclear if having a family history of cancer raises your risk.”

Patients with cancer that was worsening or spreading were more than five times more likely to die in a month if they got Covid-19, according to researchers.

However, cancer sufferers may take the following measures to remain as healthy as possible:

  • Make sure you have enough medicine to last at least 30 days.
  • During this epidemic, don’t put off any life-saving therapy or emergency care.
  • Discuss your own degree of risk with your healthcare practitioner, taking into account your condition, treatment, and the amount of transmission in your community.
  • Do not stop taking your medications or change your treatment plan without first seeing your doctor.
  • If you believe you’ve been exposed to the new coronavirus, contact your doctor right once.
  • Read the CDC’s infection prevention advice for cancer patients.

Family work/life transmission treatment & prevention

Is it possible to distribute Covid-19 in public areas using central air conditioning?

Although technically possible, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems are not believed to play a major role in coronavirus transmission.

The virus will be filtered out or diluted by many contemporary air conditioning systems. According to Harvard environmental health expert Joseph Gardner Allen, ventilation systems with extremely efficient filters are a crucial method to remove droplets from the air.

Filters are evaluated using the MERV method, which indicates their capacity to capture small particles. The MERV scale ranges from one to twenty. The better the filtering, the higher the number.

The greatest MERV values are found in HEPA filters, which range from 17 to 20. Hospitals employ HEPA filters to produce sterile environments for operations and to keep infectious illnesses at bay. Dust, pollen, mold, germs, and other airborne particles as tiny as 0.3 microns may be removed 99.97 percent of the time.

The size of this coronavirus is estimated to be between 0.06 and 1.4 microns.

However, “HEPA filtering is not always possible or practical,” according to Allen. “However, there are alternative filters that can do the same function. A MERV 13 filter is currently recommended by the standard-setting organization for HVAC.”

In hospitals, nursing homes, research laboratories, and other locations where filtering is essential, high-efficiency filters in the 13-to-16 MERV range are often utilized.

“If you own a home, a building, or a mall, you should have someone assess your system and install the highest MERV number filter that the system can reliably handle without reducing the volume of air that passes through it,” Erin Bromage, an associate professor of biology at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, advised.

“In addition, almost all contemporary commercial air conditioning systems have a makeup air process where they draw in air from outside, condition it, and bring it inside,” Bromage said. “It’s worse in terms of energy use, but the more outside air we bring in, the more virus dilution we have, and the safer you are.”

Transmission of work/life balance in the family and schools/education

What does it mean to be asymptomatic?

Schools/education that transmit work/life transfer

What is the efficacy of various kinds of face masks? Which fabric masks are the most effective?

The best protection is a N95 respirator. N95s, on the other hand, have been in great demand and limited supply throughout the epidemic.

According to experts at Florida Atlantic University, various kinds of masks have varying degrees of efficacy.

A stitched mask with two layers of cloth, a commercial cone mask, a folded handkerchief, and a bandana were the four kinds of face masks they evaluated. Researchers put each one to the test to determine which one would provide the most protection if someone coughed or sneezed.

— With droplets moving just 2.5 inches, the stitched mask with two layers of cloth worked best.

— The droplets went approximately 8 inches with a cone-style mask.

– Droplets from a folded handkerchief traveled 1 foot, 3 inches.

— Of the fabric masks tested, the bandana provided the least level of protection, with drips reaching 3 feet.

— Still, the researchers discovered that any kind of fabric mask is preferable than none. Droplets were able to travel 8 feet without being covered.

Dr. Christopher Murray, director of the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, said, “People need to know that wearing masks can reduce virus transmission by up to 50%, and those who refuse are putting their lives, their families, their friends, and their communities at risk.”

Treatment & prevention transmission

What is it about the coronavirus that caused us to shut down the economy? Why did we have to exercise social distance during the SARS and swine flu outbreaks when we didn’t have to?

The new coronavirus, unlike SARS and swine flu, is both extremely infectious and very lethal, according to CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

SARS was a coronavirus, and it was a brand-new virus at the time, according to Gupta. “In the end, we know that SARS infected 8,000 individuals worldwide and killed about 800 people. So it had a high mortality rate, but it wasn’t particularly contagious.”

The swine flu, also known as H1N1, was “very infectious,” infecting 60 million individuals in the United States alone within a year, according to Gupta. “However, it was far less deadly than the flu – about a third as dangerous as the virus.”

The new coronavirus is distinguished by the fact that it is “both highly infectious… and seems to be much more deadly than the flu.”

Work/life transmission treatment & prevention

When are coronavirus patients the most contagious?

“People may be contagious even if they don’t show any symptoms. And, oddly enough, individuals tend to be the most contagious before they get symptoms, if they are going to develop symptoms,” CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said.

“This is referred to as the pre-symptomatic phase. As a result, individuals seem to have more virus in their nose and mouth at that time. This is before they get ill. They may also be releasing the infection into the environment.”

Some individuals who are infected with the coronavirus never show any signs or symptoms. However, asymptomatic carriers may easily infect others, according to Anne Rimoin, an epidemiology professor at UCLA’s School of Public Health.

“When you talk, you spit a little bit,” she said. “You’re going to rub your nose. You’ll put your hand to your lips. You’re going to wipe your eyes. If you’re sick and shedding asymptomatically, you’ll contact other surfaces, and you’ll transmit the virus.”

That’s why health authorities advise individuals to use face masks in public and when staying 6 feet apart from others is impossible.

Transmission treatment & prevention myths & misinformation

Is it possible to acquire Covid-19 via sex?

The chances of spreading coronavirus via sex haven’t been fully investigated, despite the fact that it has been discovered in men’s sperm.

However, we do know that Covid-19 is a very infectious respiratory disease that may be transmitted via saliva, coughs, sneezes, talking, or breathing – with or without symptoms.

So three Harvard doctors looked into the possibility of obtaining or administering Covid-19 during intercourse and came up with a few suggestions.

The authors recommend that couples who haven’t been secluded together wear masks and avoid kissing.

People who have sex with partners outside of their homes should wash before and after; avoid sex activities that require oral transfer of body fluids; and clean up the area afterward with soap or alcohol wipes to minimize their risk of infection.

Transmission treatment & prevention family myths & misinformation

Is it true that young individuals infected with the coronavirus suffer from blood clots and strokes?

Yes, some young people have had strokes as a result of the coronavirus.

Dr. Thomas Oxley, a neurosurgeon at Mount Sinai Health System in New York, stated, “The virus seems to be causing greater clotting in the major arteries, leading to severe stroke.”

“The majority of these individuals had no prior medical history and were at home with minor symptoms (or no symptoms in two instances) of Covid.”

Work/life balance in the family; schools/education

Why has the recommendation for using face masks changed so drastically?

work/life myths & misinformation transmission treatment & prevention

In an elevator, how can I remain safe?

Doctors believe the best method to avoid coronavirus illness is to get vaccinated.

If you haven’t been vaccinated, use the stairs if you can. If you can’t, Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency department physician, has these suggestions:

  • Put on a mask. Wearing a mask not only lowers your danger of breathing the virus, which may linger in the air for up to 8 minutes, but it also lowers your chances of infecting others if you’re an asymptomatic carrier.
  • Push the elevator buttons with a tissue. If you don’t have a tissue, use your elbow instead, then wash or disinfect the area as soon as possible.
  • As much as possible, maintain your distance from anybody else in the elevator.

transmission work/life treatment & prevention

What is the safety of public restrooms?

If you aren’t completely vaccinated, avoid using public toilets as much as possible, according to Ali Nouri, president of the Federation of American Scientists. However, he admitted that this isn’t always possible: “Sometimes when you have to leave, you have to go.”

The most major danger in a public bathroom, according to Nouri, is close contact with people. If a single-person restroom without several stalls is available, utilizing it may be the best option.

If you must use a public bathroom with several stalls, Nouri gives the following advice:

  • Use the germ-infested faucet handle to turn off the water, not your newly cleaned hands. Instead, turn off the water and open the bathroom door using a paper towel. After that, toss the paper towel in the trash.
  • Put on a face mask. Nouri said, “Masks are one of the most effective methods to inhibit human-to-human transmission.” “Think carefully before entering a public restroom if no one is wearing a mask.”
  • If the bathroom seems to be busy, wait as long as you can. Nouri said, “You’re decreasing the danger of breathing aerosolized pollutants from other individuals.”

Transmission treatment & prevention work/life

Is hand sanitizer as efficient in killing coronavirus as soap and water?

Yes, as long as you use the proper sanitizer and apply it properly.

Dr. William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine and infectious disease at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, says hand sanitizers must contain at least 60% alcohol.

And don’t simply spread a little amount of it around rapidly in your hand.

“You have to use a lot of it and get it all over the place,” Schaffner said. “Rub it over the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and all over your hands.”

However, if you have the opportunity, properly wash your hands.

Dr. John Williams, a virologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, stated, “Alcohol is very efficient at killing bacteria, but it doesn’t wash away things.”

“If someone had sneezed into their hand and it’s coated in mucus, they’d have to use a lot more alcohol to kill that bacterium or virus.”

Schools/education treatment & prevention work/life transmission family

Is it true that certain blood types are stronger at fighting the coronavirus than others?

Those with Type A blood have a greater chance of becoming infected with coronavirus and experiencing severe symptoms, whereas people with Type O blood have a reduced risk, according to a research published in The New England Journal of Medicine — but there are limitations.

The researchers can’t tell if blood type is a direct source of susceptibility differences. It’s possible that genetic alterations that influence a person’s risk are also related to blood type, they speculate.

The study’s results, although reasonable, may have minimal impact on the ordinary individual, according to Dr. Roy Silverstein, a hematologist and head of the Medical College of Wisconsin’s school of medicine.

“The risk difference is extremely tiny in absolute terms,” he added. “While the risk decrease is statistically significant, the change in real risk is minor. You’d never tell a Type O person that they were at a lower risk of infection.”

The final conclusion, according to Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, technical head for the World Health Organization’s Covid-19 response, “we are all vulnerable to this virus.”

Treatment & prevention myths & misinformation

What are the risks of hiring a cleaning service to clean your home while you are away?

“If you’re not at home, it’s generally safe,” said Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency department physician. She recommended that you leave the windows open to promote ventilation and that you ask the cleaners to use your own cleaning products so that they don’t bring things from other people’s homes.

transmission work/life treatment & prevention family

Is it possible to sterilize my mask by placing it in the microwave?

That’s “not a good idea,” according to Dr. Joseph Vinetz, an infectious diseases professor at Yale School of Medicine. “We don’t have any proof of that.”

“You can’t microwave a N95 or surgical mask with a metal component in it, or even staples,” he added. “It’ll go off.”

Cloth masks may be cleaned and reused, while disposable masks can be reused after sitting for several days, according to Vinetz.

Vinetz advises keeping masks that can’t be washed in a clean, safe area in your house for a few days to disinfect them. It should no longer be infectious after that, since coronaviruses can only live on hard surfaces for three days.

treatment & prevention work/life myths & misinformation

Is it okay to give CPR to a stranger?

When someone need CPR, doctors highly advise doing it.

According to a study published in the journal Circulation by a group of Seattle emergency department doctors, you’re hundreds of times more likely to save that dying person’s life than you are to die from Covid-19 if you catch it after doing CPR.

However, in order for CPR to be successful, it must be done promptly.

The American Heart Association’s vice president for research and innovation in emergency cardiovascular care, Dr. Comilla Sasson, stated that every minute without CPR reduces the chances of life by 10%. “In many instances, it’s a 10-minute window to death.”

If you don’t have a CPR certification, chest compressions may give you some time until assistance comes. According to the American Heart Association, bystanders should “provide high-quality chest compressions by pressing firmly and quickly in the center of the victim’s chest, with minimum interruptions.”

Singing any of these famous songs can help you acquire the proper beat if you’re not sure how “quick” to perform those chest compressions.

Transmission work/life family myths & misinformation

Is it possible to get coronavirus by swimming in open water, such as a lake or seawater? What about going to a public pool or soaking in a hot tub?

You don’t have to be concerned about the water. It has to do with how close you can get to other people.

“Viruses will not be transmitted via properly kept pool water. “The chlorine in it will rapidly inactivate the virus,” immunologist Erin Bromage said.

“The amount of virus that would be present in a pool, an ocean, or a big freshwater body would be insufficient to cause an infection. However, you must ensure that we keep an adequate physical distance when swimming or sitting in a hot tub while doing so.”

This is because infected individuals with no symptoms may easily transmit the virus if they are within 6 feet of one another. Even 6 feet may not be enough distance if you have an indoor pool or hot tub.

Transmission family travel treatment & prevention work/life

I observed disinfectant being sprayed over sidewalks and other public areas in other countries. Why haven’t we done it in the United States?

Spraying open areas at random is mainly a waste of effort, according to health experts.

It has the potential to do more damage than benefit. “Spraying disinfectants may cause eye, respiratory, or skin irritation,” according to the World Health Organization.

“Spraying or fumigating outdoor spaces, such as streets or marketplaces, to kill the COVID-19 virus or other pathogens is also not recommended because disinfectants are inactivated by dirt and debris, and it is not feasible to manually clean and remove all organic matter from such spaces,” according to the WHO.

Spraying porous surfaces like sidewalks and dirt pathways would be much less effective. The ground, after all, isn’t usually a source of infection, according to the WHO.

When the disinfectant wears off, an infected individual may readily recontaminate the surface.

Treatment & prevention myths & misinformation travel transmission

Will the spread of Covid-19 be aided by protests?

Because the coronavirus may be transmitted via talking or even simply breathing, any big gathering can amplify the transmission. Even if they don’t show symptoms, virus carriers may spread the infection.

And, according to Dr. James Phillips, a physician and assistant professor at George Washington University Hospital, when people are “shouting and screaming loudly, that can create a lot of droplets and aerosolization that may transmit the virus to others.”

Doctors and authorities advise being vaccinated or wearing a face mask, as well as keeping as far away from people as possible.

Transmission treatment & prevention work/life

Do your vitamin D levels influence your coronavirus risk? Is there a link between individuals who test positive for Covid-19 and vitamin D?

“There is no evidence that very high vitamin D levels are protective against COVID-19 to date, and as a result, medical guidance is that people should not supplement their vitamin D levels beyond those currently recommended by published medical advice,” wrote Robin May, director of the University of Birmingham’s Institute of Microbiology and Infection.

Vitamin D is necessary for strong bones, robust muscles, and a strong immune system. In the United States, a daily dosage of vitamin D of 15 mcg/600 IU is advised for everyone over the age of one. The recommended daily dosage for anybody over the age of 70 in the United States is increased to 20 mcg/800 IU per day.

However, too much vitamin D may create a hazardous accumulation of calcium in your blood, which can lead to dizziness, disorientation, heart rhythm issues, bone pain, kidney damage, and painful kidney stones.

Treatment & prevention myths & misinformation

Is it possible to get coronavirus by handling money? What about other types of things, such as plants?

“Viruses may survive on surfaces and objects, including money,” said Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency care specialist. “However, your chances of acquiring COVID-19 from currency are probably extremely low,” she said.

According to a research sponsored by the US National Institutes of Health, the novel coronavirus may survive for up to 72 hours on stainless steel and plastic, up to 24 hours on cardboard, and up to four hours on copper.

So, how can you keep yourself safe? Wen recommends using contactless payment options wherever feasible to avoid handling cash or coins.

If you don’t have access to a contactless payment method, credit and debit cards are much simpler to clean and disinfect than cash. However, keep in mind that anybody who touches your credit card may spread diseases.

If you must use cash, Wen advises that you “wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water” afterward.

The same goes for everything else you come into contact with that may contain coronavirus. If you don’t have time to wash your hands right away, apply a hand sanitizer or disinfectant.

Also, since Covid-19 is a respiratory illness, avoid touching your face.

Transmission work/life treatment & prevention

Is it possible to get coronavirus by coming into contact with a dead corpse or the ashes of someone who has Covid-19?

Although it seems improbable, the CDC recommends taking measures.

According to the CDC, coronavirus is transmitted mostly via close contact (approximately 6 feet) with someone who is already sick.

The CDC said that “this kind of dissemination is not a worry after death.” It does, however, warn that “we are still discovering how it spreads.”

“After the body has been prepped for viewing, some kinds of contact, such as holding the hand or embracing, may have a lower risk of the virus spreading,” the CDC stated.

“If at all possible, avoid other actions like as kissing, bathing, and shrouding the corpse before, during, and after it has been prepared.”

If corpse washing or shrouding are significant religious or cultural traditions, “families are urged to engage with their community’s cultural and religious leaders and funeral home personnel on ways to limit their exposure as much as possible,” according to the CDC.

“At the very least, everyone involved in these tasks should wear disposable gloves. If fluid splashing is anticipated, extra personal protection equipment (PPE) (such as a disposable gown, faceshield or goggles, and an N-95 respirator) may be required.”

Infectious pathogens can not survive burning temperatures, thus cremated remains may be deemed sterile, according to the CDC.

Myths & misinformation transmission family

Is it possible to destroy coronavirus with UV light?

While certain UV light equipment are used in hospitals for disinfection, the World Health Organization claims that UV light only kills bacteria under extremely precise circumstances, including specified irradiation doses and exposure periods.

UV light, on the other hand, may cause harm to the body.

UV light must have two properties in order to kill a virus: intensity and duration. According to Donald Milton, a professor at the University of Maryland, if the light is strong enough to break apart a virus in a short period of time, it will be harmful to humans.

Both UVA and UVB rays cause skin damage. UVC light is less harmful to the skin, but it may harm sensitive tissue like the eyes.

Myths & misinformation treatment & prevention

Is it necessary to wash fruits and vegetables with soap and water before eating them?

No. Fresh fruit does not need to be washed with soap and water, according to the US Food and Drug Administration, but it should be rinsed with plain water.

However, since we often touch our faces without realizing it, it’s still essential to wash your hands with soap and water on a regular basis. And this is how coronavirus spreads.

You don’t have to worry about contracting coronavirus if you “consume” it. According to Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University, even if coronavirus gets into your meal, your stomach acid will destroy it.

Treatment & prevention work/life transmission

Is it possible for coronavirus to remain in my hair or beard? Is it necessary for me to wash my hair every day?

According to Dr. David Aronoff, head of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, coronavirus may cling to hair.

If you touch contaminated hair and then touch your lips, eyes, or nose, you may get infected. “Like the coronavirus on the skin, this coronavirus is a transitory hitchhiker that may be washed away,” Aronoff said.

But it doesn’t mean you have to wash your hair every day, according to dermatologist Dr. Hadley King.

“Living hair connected to our scalps may be better protected by our natural oils, which have some antibacterial characteristics and may restrict how effectively microorganisms can adhere to the hair,” she said.

“During the pandemic, it would be acceptable to wash your hair everyday if you are going out into places that might potentially be infected with virus particles. But it’s not the same as washing your hands since the virus enters our bodies via our mucosal surfaces. There is less of a danger if your hair isn’t falling over your face or if you’re not raking your fingers through it.”

If your hair does fall into your face, King suggests pulling it back to reduce the danger.

When it comes to facial hair, Aronoff recommends “washing at least daily, if not more often, depending on how often they touch their face.”

Transmission treatment & prevention work/life

Is it possible for me to infect my dogs with coronavirus or vice versa? Is it possible to get sick by touching an animal’s fur? Is it necessary to get my pet tested for coronavirus?

Animals infected with coronavirus have been reported, including two pets in New York and eight large cats at the Bronx Zoo.

The majority of the illnesses were caused by interaction with coronavirus-infected people, such as a zoo staffer who was an asymptomatic carrier.

However, the CDC claims there is no evidence that animals play a major role in the virus’s transmission to people. As a result, regular testing of animals for Covid-19 is not suggested at this time.

After handling an animal’s fur and before contacting your face, it’s important to wash your hands. Also, if your pet seems to be ill, contact your veterinarian right once.

Family work/life treatment & prevention transmission

Should I wash my hands and clothes in extremely hot or very warm water?

The easiest way to eliminate germs and viruses in your laundry is to use hot water. You don’t want to put so much scorching hot water on your skin, however.

Warm water is acceptable for washing your hands as long as you do it properly and for at least 20 seconds (as seen below). (You may time yourself by humming “Happy Birthday” repeatedly or singing a couple of lines from any of these popular songs from the last several decades.)

Cold water will also work, but “you have to make sure you work very hard to create a lather and get everything soapy and bubbly,” according to Emory University scientist Bill Wuest. You may need to sing “Happy Birthday” three times instead of twice to accomplish this.

“Warm water with soap produces a lot nicer lather — there are more bubbles,” Wuest said. “It’s a sign that the soap is attempting to encapsulate the dirt, germs, and viruses in them,” says the researcher.

Treatment & prevention work/life transmission myths & misinformation

Soap kills coronavirus in what way? Can I cleanse surfaces with soap and water if I don’t have disinfectant wipes?

Yes, you can destroy coronavirus on surfaces with soap and water, just as you would on your hands. But don’t rely only on water for relief; it won’t be effective.

The virus’s outer coat is made up of lipids, or fat. The aim is to break through the fatty barrier and force the virus’s guts to pour out, killing it.

To put it another way, picture coronavirus as a butter dish that has to be cleaned.

Dr. John Williams, head of pediatric infectious diseases at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, said, “You attempt to wash your butter dish with water alone, but that butter won’t come off the dish.”

“To dissolve grease, you’ll need some soap. Soap or alcohol are very efficient in dissolving the virus’s sticky liquid coating.”

“It physically inactivates the virus so it can’t attach to and enter human cells anymore,” Williams said of breaking through the grease barrier.

Work/life transmission treatment & prevention schools/education

Can the coronavirus be spread via people’s shoes? How can I keep my children safe while they crawl or play on the floor?

Although coronavirus may survive on the bottoms of shoes, the risk of contracting Covid-19 from them seems to be minimal.

A research from a hospital in Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus epidemic started, was featured in a CDC report.

The virus was discovered to be “widely disseminated” on floors, computer mouse, garbage cans, and door knobs after the soles of medical personnel’ shoes were swabbed and tested. However, it’s worth noting that the research was conducted in a hospital, where the virus was concentrated.

Coronavirus may still be picked up on the bottoms of your shoes when doing errands, but it’s unlikely that you’ll become sick from it since individuals seldom touch their shoes’ soles and subsequently their faces. Because Covid-19 is a respiratory illness, the CDC recommends wearing a mask in public and washing your hands frequently– the right way– to protect yourself.

If you have young children who crawl or often touch the floor, it’s a good idea to remove your shoes as soon as you enter the house to avoid the spread of coronavirus or germs.

transmission family treatment & prevention schools/education

Is it possible to get coronavirus via food? Is it safe to eat restaurant takeout?

According to the CDC, there is no evidence that coronavirus may be spread via food.

According to Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University, even if coronavirus gets into your meal, your stomach acid will destroy it.

“When you consume any kind of food, hot or cold, it will travel right down into your stomach, where there will be a high acidity, low-pH environment that will inactivate the virus,” she said.

But, according to CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, disinfecting the takeaway containers is a smart idea. Coronavirus is a respiratory virus that may easily infect your face if you don’t realize it.

If you don’t have disinfecting wipes, serve the meal on your own plates or bowls. After moving food from the containers, be sure to wash your hands.

transmission family work/life

Is it possible for coronavirus to transmit via water, such as a swimming pool or a hot tub?

According to the CDC, “there is no indication that COVID-19 may be transmitted to people via the use of pools and hot tubs.”

“The virus that causes COVID-19 should be removed or inactivated by proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (e.g., with chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs.”

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness, therefore health authorities recommend keeping at least 6 feet away from people. In other words, you’re unlikely to get coronavirus from the water, but you could catch it from someone near to you who is.

Doctors say you shouldn’t be concerned about coronavirus in tap water since most municipal drinking water systems are designed to eliminate or inactivate the virus.

Transmission work/life

Can coronavirus be transmitted by mosquitoes or houseflies?

The World Health Organization states, “To far, there has been no information or evidence to indicate that the novel coronavirus might be spread by mosquitoes.” So yet, there’s no proof that flies can transmit coronavirus.

Transmission myths & misinformation

Is it okay to reuse a disposable mask that isn’t made of fabric and can’t be washed?

Work/life treatment & prevention

Will disinfectants, such as those used to destroy viruses on surfaces, protect me against coronavirus or kill it if I already have it if I swallow or inject them?

Myths & misinformation treatment & prevention work/life

What can we learn from other nations’ experiences with the coronavirus?

Singapore was lauded at first for its anti-virus efforts. Even individuals who had no symptoms but tested positive had to be admitted to the hospital until they were able to test negative.

Singapore, on the other hand, was more flexible, allowing shops, churches, restaurants, and schools to remain open throughout the virus’s initial wave. Furthermore, certain localities were left out of government testing.

The number of cases in Singapore increased dramatically, and the nation was hit by a second coronavirus outbreak.

Germany, South Korea, Iceland, and Taiwan, on the other hand, have among of the lowest Covid-19 mortality rates in the world.

Taiwan was proactive, establishing its Central Epidemic Command Center before the first infection was verified on the island.

Iceland compelled all citizens returning to the nation to undergo a 14-day quarantine period, regardless of where they came from.

Germany and South Korea were fast to implement extensive testing, and their per-capita testing rates are among the highest in the world. Their capacity to detect and isolate sick people has helped to avoid more serious consequences.

Work/life treatment & prevention

Is it possible for coronavirus to adhere to clothing? Is it necessary for me to wash my clothing immediately after coming into contact with other people, such as at the grocery store or when jogging?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent, stated, “I don’t believe you need to.”

On stainless steel and plastic, the coronavirus may survive for up to three days. Clothing, on the other hand, is more absorbent than cardboard, therefore the virus is unlikely to remain and survive that long, according to Gupta.

While coronavirus may survive for up to 24 hours on cardboard, viruses usually do not adhere well to moving surfaces.

“If you look at how viruses travel through air, they like to go around objects,” Gupta said. “They don’t necessarily want to land on things. So if you’re moving through the air as a human being, it’s unlikely to cling to your clothes.”

Transmission work/life family treatment & prevention

Will a blood test reveal if I’m immune and able to return to work or school?

Work/life treatment & prevention transmission schools/education

Is vodka safe to use as a hand sanitizer?

Please do not do so. Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is recommended by the CDC.

Vodka usually contains between 35 and 46 percent alcohol by volume.

If you can’t find hand sanitizer in shops and want to create your own, the Nebraska Medical Center has a recipe for you:

You’ll need the following items:

  • 2/3 cup isopropyl alcohol, 91 percent (rubbing alcohol)
  • aloe vera gel, 1/3 cup
  • a bowl for mixing
  • Whisking spoon or something similar
  • A 3-oz. travel bottle is a good example of a small container.
  • Essential oil (optional) to give your hand sanitizer a scent

Stir together isopropyl alcohol and aloe vera gel in a mixing dish until thoroughly combined. Add 8-10 drops of essential oil that has a pleasant smell (optional, but nice). Stir. Fill an empty jar halfway with the homemade hand sanitizer and shut it. Attach a piece of masking tape on the bottle and write “hand sanitizer.”

Myths & misinformation treatment & prevention

Is it true that smokers and vapers are at a greater risk? What if I just smoked marijuana?

This is not the time to vape or smoke anything, even marijuana.

“Vaping has a negative impact on your lungs on every level. It impairs the immunological function of your nasal cavity by altering cilia, which push foreign objects out,” said Prof. Stanton Glantz, head of the University of California San Francisco’s Center for Tobacco Research Control and Education.

When you smoke, your upper airways’ capacity to remove infections is harmed, according to Glantz.

Tobacco users are particularly vulnerable. In China, where the first Covid-19 epidemic occurred, smokers were 14 times more likely than non-smokers to suffer serious problems.

Even consuming marijuana on a regular basis may put you at danger.

“When you smoke cannabis, it produces some degree of inflammation in your airways, very similar to bronchitis, very similar to the kind of inflammation that cigarette smoking can cause,” said pulmonologist Dr. Albert Rizzo, the American Lung Association’s senior medical officer.

“Now you have some airway irritation, and on top of that, you have an infection. So, sure, there’s a possibility you’ll have additional complications.”

Work/life family treatment & prevention

My adolescent children are unconcerned about this. Do you have any suggestions?

Coronavirus doesn’t only affect teenagers. It is also harming young, healthy individuals.

We’ve covered many cases of young kids being extremely ill or dying as a result of coronavirus.

Dimitri Mitchell, 18, says he had a “false feeling of security” when he was younger. However, after being admitted to the hospital with coronavirus, he now urges everyone to take it seriously.

“I just want to make sure that everyone understands that it may have a severe impact on them, regardless of their age. And it may severely harm them, like it did to me,” the Iowa youngster said.

“After four days, the truly severe symptoms began to appear. I began getting very severe breakouts, with sweating and runny eyes. I was growing hotter and hotter, and I was exhausted. I’d start getting the most severe headaches I’d ever had in my life. They were a complete disaster.”

The adolescent was eventually admitted to the hospital. His mother was concerned that he might “go asleep and never wake up.”

Mitchell is currently healing, however he has long-term consequences.

“I just hope everyone is accountable, because this isn’t a joke,” he added. “It’s a serious issue, and I want everyone to make sure they’re adhering to the social distance rules and group boundaries. And simply follow all of the regulations and safeguards, and keep up with the news to keep them informed.”

Family transmission treatment & prevention myths & misinformation schools/education

Is there a link between this epidemic and the 5G network?

No. That is a scam that has been circulating across the internet.

According to Eric van Rongen, head of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, “the notion that 5G could weaken the immune system and therefore allow individuals to become ill from corona is founded on nothing” (ICNIRP).

Learn more about how 5G works in real life and why this scam is a complete ruse.

Myths & misinformation

My ex and I share custody of our children. Is it safe for them to go back and forth between two houses?

You should try to minimize your children’s exposure to coronavirus and figure out the safest strategy you can with your ex.

The issue: Some state and local family courts may be closed or only available in cases of abuse or endangerment. As a result, officially changing pre-existing custody arrangements may be challenging.

During the epidemic, however, certain governments may provide some flexibility. There may also be innovative solutions, such as spending more time with one parent now in exchange for more time with the other parent after the epidemic is over.

Work/life balance for the family

How long does a coronavirus “live” on a surface?

Depending on the surface, it may take up to three days. According to a research supported by the National Institutes of Health in the United States:

  • The new coronavirus can survive for up to 72 hours on stainless steel and plastic.
  • It was still viable four hours after being placed on copper and 24 hours after being placed on cardboard.
  • It lasted three hours in aerosol form.


Will the coronavirus be protected by a pneumonia or flu vaccine?

Coronavirus may cause pneumonia in certain people. However, the pneumonia vaccination is ineffective.

According to Harvard Medical School, pneumonia vaccines such as the pneumococcal vaccination and the Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) vaccine exclusively protect individuals against these particular bacterial illnesses.

“They don’t provide any protection against coronavirus pneumonia.”

Transmission myths & misinformation treatment & prevention vaccine

Is it OK for me to wear a face mask in public? If that’s the case, how do I go about making one?

The CDC advises unvaccinated individuals to “wear cloth face coverings in public situations when other social distancing measures (e.g., grocery shops and pharmacies) are difficult to maintain.”

There are a few important things to remember:

transmission work/life myths & misinformation

Why is it so difficult to develop a coronavirus-curing drug?

According to Harvard Medical School, an antiviral medication must be able to target the particular portion of a virus’s life cycle that allows it to replicate.

“An antiviral medication must also be able to destroy a virus without harming the human cell it is infected with. Viruses, on the other hand, are very adaptable.”

Treatment & Prevention

Why have medical personnel contracted coronavirus or died from it while using protective gear? Is the viral load important?

Many health-care professionals lack the necessary protective equipment to deal with the rising number of coronavirus patients.

Some people have resorted to masking using plastic report covers. Medical practitioners may be forced to utilize expired masks or reuse them between numerous patients, according to the CDC.

But it’s not only the lack of adequate protective gear that puts medical personnel in danger. It’s also how much virus they’ve been exposed to.

“The severity of your sickness is determined by the viral load — the quantity of virus,” said Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency care specialist. “So it’s possible that health-care professionals who are exposed to a lot more Covid-19 as a consequence of their job get more seriously ill.”


How many individuals infected with the coronavirus show no symptoms? Is it still possible for them to spread the disease?

According to research published in the journal “Science,” approximately 4 in 5 individuals with confirmed coronavirus in China were likely infected by those who didn’t realize they had it.

Researchers stated, “These results explain the fast geographic dissemination of (coronavirus) and suggest that control of this virus would be especially difficult.”

The CDC reported in March 2020 that almost half of the 712 individuals who tested positive for coronavirus aboard the Diamond Princess cruise liner had no symptoms when they were diagnosed.

According to other research, 25 to 50 percent of coronavirus carriers are asymptomatic.

According to Dr. Alex Salerno, a general care physician in New Jersey, “I believe it might be as many as one in three wandering about asymptomatic.”

“We examined some individuals who had previously been exposed to COVID,” says the researcher (coronavirus disease). They didn’t have a thermostat. Their pulse/oxygen levels were normal.”

More testing of individuals without symptoms, according to Salerno, is necessary.

When asymptomatic carriers test positive, Salerno says, “we segregate them and separate them from the individuals who are not positive.” “We could bring people back to work safely” if more asymptomatic individuals were checked.

Transmission myths & misinformation work/life

Why go to the hospital if there is no treatment unless you have a respiratory problem?

The majority of coronavirus patients do not need hospitalization. Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said, “The overwhelming majority of individuals — approximately 80% – will fare fine without any particular intervention.”

Patients with fevers should obtain plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and take fever-reducing medicine.

“The present advice – and this may change – is to remain at home and attempt to manage symptoms that are comparable to the cold and flu and are mild to moderate in severity,” said Dr. Patrice Harris, president of the American Medical Association.

However, approximately 20% of coronavirus patients have progressive illness. The CDC advises that “older patients and those with underlying medical problems or who are immunocompromised should consult their physician early in the course of even mild illness.”

According to the CDC, you should seek medical attention right away if you have:

  • Breathing problems
  • Chest discomfort or pressure that persists
  • Unexpected perplexity
  • Lips or face that are bluish

According to the CDC, “this list is not exhaustive.” “If you have any additional severe or worrisome symptoms, please contact your physician.”

Treatment & prevention family

Why are people buying bottled water in such large quantities? Is the water supply in jeopardy?

The water supply is not under jeopardy.

The COVID-19 virus has not been found in drinking water, according to the CDC. “Traditional filtration and disinfection water treatment techniques, such as those used in most municipal drinking water systems, should eliminate or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.”

So, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, there’s no need to stockpile drinking water. Fauci said that he and his wife continue to drink tap water.

Work/life myths & misinformation

How can I take care of a sick person in a safe manner?

It may be tough to tell whether your loved one is suffering from coronavirus or another disease. As a result, it’s important to be cautious and avoid infecting yourself and others. The CDC recommends:

  • If at all feasible, give the ill individual their own room to remain in. Close the door behind you.
  • Having a single individual act as the caregiver.
  • If the ill individual is able, ask them to use a face mask. If the mask is making it difficult to breathe, the caregiver should wear one instead.

Transmission family

What are the signs and symptoms?

Covid-19 symptoms include fatigue, fever, dry cough, trouble breathing, and loss of taste or smell.

According to the CDC, symptoms may develop anywhere from two days to two weeks following exposure. However, some individuals show no signs or symptoms and may infect others without even realizing it.

The severity of the disease varies. While many individuals recover completely at home, others, especially young, previously healthy adults, have long-term problems.


What should I do if I suspect a loved one has coronavirus?

Instead of paying a visit to a family member who is sick, make a virtual connection with them. If that individual lives with you, minimize your contact with them and, if feasible, avoid sharing a bathroom or a bedroom, according to the CDC.

If the individual has been diagnosed, he or she may be able to recuperate in isolation at home. Keep yourself as far away from your sick family member as possible, and keep animals away as well. Continue to use separate bathrooms and clean them on a regular basis.

While they are unable to go outdoors, stock up on food and home supplies for them and limit visits to the shop. Hands should be washed regularly, and personal things should not be shared with the sick individual.

Stay at home and contact your doctor if you believe you’re getting symptoms.


Disinfectant sprays and hand sanitizer are all sold out in the shops. Is it possible for me to create my own?

Yes, both may be made at home.

If you’re attempting to destroy coronavirus on a non-porous surface, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that “unexpired home bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when appropriately diluted.”

5 tablespoons (about 13 cup) bleach per gallon of water, or 4 teaspoons bleach every quart of water, according to the CDC’s formula.

It’s also possible to create your own hand sanitizer. This recipe comes from the Nebraska Medical Center, which is known for its biocontainment facility and care of Ebola patients:

You’ll need the following items:

  • 2/3 cup isopropyl alcohol, 91 percent (rubbing alcohol)
  • aloe vera gel, 1/3 cup
  • a bowl for mixing
  • Whisking spoon or something similar
  • A 3 oz. travel bottle is a good example of a small container.
  • Essential oil (optional) to give your hand sanitizer a scent

Stir together isopropyl alcohol and aloe vera gel in a mixing dish until thoroughly combined. Add 8-10 drops of essential oil that has a pleasant smell (optional, but nice). Stir. Fill an empty jar halfway with the homemade hand sanitizer and shut it. Attach a piece of masking tape on the bottle and write “hand sanitizer.”

Work/life Treatment & Prevention

Is it possible for me to get fired if I stay home sick?

According to Krista Slosburg, an employment attorney with Stokes Lawrence in Seattle, an employee may be fired if they don’t show up to work and don’t have sick leave to cover the absence.

However, there are certain exceptions. Employers that force employees with Covid-19 into the workplace may be in violation of OSHA rules, according to Donna Ballman, who runs an employee advocacy legal company in Florida.


What happens when employees are denied paid sick time?

You cannot be fired or punished if you work in a city or state that mandates sick leave and take it.

However, there is no federal requirement for employers to provide paid sick leave, and almost a quarter of all US employees do not get it, according to official statistics from 2019. Some state and municipal governments have enacted legislation requiring businesses to provide paid sick time.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) may safeguard a worker’s employment if they get ill, but it does not ensure that they will be paid while they are away.

Employee advocates are urging companies to examine the Covid-19’s unique circumstances, and some have already done so.


Is it possible for a boss to send a sick employee home?

Managers do have this ability.

Companies should “actively encourage sick employees to stay home, send symptomatic employees home until they are able to return to work safely, and require employees returning from high-risk areas to telework during the incubation period (of 14 days),” according to the Society for Human Resource Management.

According to Alka Ramchandani-Raj, an attorney specialized in workplace safety, if a manager believes an employee’s sickness presents a direct danger to colleagues’ safety, the management may be entitled to demand that the person be examined by a doctor.


How can I keep myself safe when flying?

Because Covid-19 is a respiratory illness, several airlines are now mandating passengers to wear face masks for the duration of the trip, with the exception of eating and drinking.

To avoid having to remove your mask or use a tight lavatory on board, health experts recommend eating, drinking, and using the bathroom before boarding the aircraft.

Dr. Richard Dawood, a travel medicine expert, advises constantly being aware of where your hands have been.

Handrails, door knobs, and lavatory levers at airports are infamously filthy.

“Touching these items is OK as long as you wash or disinfect your hands before infecting your face, touching, or handling food,” Dawood said.

“Hand sanitizers are very useful. Antiseptic hand wipes, which may also be used to wash off armrests, seat remote controls, and your tray table, are also effective.”

Family/work/life balance

What should I do if I suspect I’m sick?

Remain at home. According to the CDC, call your doctor to discuss your symptoms and let them know you’re going in for an appointment so they can prepare for your visit.

Coronavirus can only be diagnosed with a Covid-19 test, but if you think you have it, isolate yourself at home.

Many coronavirus patients are able to recuperate at home. If you’ve been diagnosed and your condition is becoming worse, visit a doctor right once. It’s possible that you’ll need to be monitored at a hospital.

Treatment & Prevention

Should I use disinfectant on myself or my children?

No. These products are effective on surfaces, but they may be harmful to your health.

Bleach, 75 percent ethanol, peracetic acid, and chloroform are among chemical disinfectants that may destroy the virus on surfaces.

However, placing such chemicals on your skin or in your nose won’t destroy the virus if it’s already in your body, according to the World Health Organization. And those compounds have the potential to damage you.

Treatment & Prevention myths & misinformation

Home cures, I’ve heard, may treat or prevent the infection. Is that correct?

There’s no proof that eating garlic, drinking water every 15 minutes, or taking vitamin C would protect individuals against the new coronavirus, according to the epidemic. Using essential oils or colloidal silver has the same effect.

Treatment & prevention myths & misinformation

Why waste a test kit on someone who doesn’t have any symptoms?

Coronavirus may cause mild or no symptoms in some individuals. Symptoms may not develop for up to 14 days after infection in certain instances.

Coronavirus may be acquired from someone who has no symptoms throughout the incubation period. It’s also conceivable that you have coronavirus and are infecting people without realizing it.

Treatment & Prevention

Why did the United States lag behind other nations in terms of testing?

Cuts in government financing for public health and issues with early testing, according to experts, prompted the US to play catch-up.

Issues with public health infrastructure: The Centers for Disease Control and Preventive (CDC) ceased financing epidemic prevention efforts in 39 countries, including China, two years ago. This occurred as a result of the Trump administration’s refusal to fund a program that began during the 2014 Ebola epidemic.

Dr. Tom Frieden, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cautioned that such a move “would substantially raise the risk of an epidemic spreading without our awareness and endangering lives in our nation and across the world.”

Testing issues: Malfunctions, shortages, and availability delays have all contributed to the lag.

Even though a World Health Organization test became available around the same time, the CDC was the only institution in the nation that could validate test findings in the initial few weeks of the epidemic in the United States.

Some test kits shipped throughout the nation were faulty, putting the US “four to five weeks behind,” according to Dr. Rob Davidson, executive director of the Committee to Protect Medicare.

Treatment & Prevention

What medications have been shown to be beneficial if a coronavirus patient develops pneumonia?

Because Covid-19 is caused by a viral infection rather than a bacterial illness, no antibiotics are helpful.

According to the World Health Organization, “if you are hospitalized for the [coronavirus], you may get medications since bacterial co-infection is possible.”

The new coronavirus has no recognized treatment.

Treatment & Prevention

Did Dean Koontz, in his novel “The Eyes of Darkness,” nearly 40 years ago, foresee this outbreak?

No. In the 1981 fiction book, “a terrible pneumonia-like disease would sweep across the world” around the year 2020, there are several intriguing coincidences. The biological strain is known as “Wuhan-400” in modern versions of the book, and the current coronavirus epidemic began in Wuhan, China.

However, there are significant distinctions between the novel and reality. The strain was first referred to as the “Gorki-400,” after a Russian town, before being renamed the “Wuhan-400” in a subsequent edition of the book. The virus in the book was created by humans, but experts think the new coronavirus began in animals and then spread to people. The virus also had a 100% death rate in the novel. The fatality rate for this coronavirus epidemic has been estimated to be between 2-4 percent.

myths & misinformation

Is it possible to destroy coronavirus with the heat from a hand dryer?

According to the World Health Organization, hand dryers do not eliminate the virus. UV lights should not be used to disinfect hands or other body parts, according to the organization, since the radiation may irritate skin.

It won’t go away if you drink hot water or take hot baths.

Myths & misinformation

Is it possible to get coronavirus from a box delivered from China?

No. According to the World Health Organization, “the novel coronavirus cannot be spread via products produced in China or any other nation reporting Covid-19 cases.”

“Even though the novel coronavirus may remain on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days (depending on the kind of surface), the virus is extremely unlikely to survive on a surface after being moved, travelled, and exposed to various conditions and temperatures,” WHO stated.

Myths & misinformation transmission

There have been a lot of questions since we announced Covid-19 vaccine, and many are coming from parents wanting to know more about the safety of the vaccine. There are a lot of myths out there, so we have put together the top five questions we still receive.. Read more about which covid vaccine is best and let us know what you think.

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • covid-19 questions and answers
  • covid-19 questions to ask
  • side effects of covid-19 vaccine
  • major questions regarding covid-19
  • how soon can i get a covid-19 vaccine after i’ve been sick with the virus?
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